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May 28, 1998
How Readers responded to Varsha Bhosle's last column
Date sent: Thu, 21 May 1998 14:00:54 -0700 (PDT) Though I used to be thrilled with Varsha's head-on tackling of issues and her no-holds-barred language, lately I had started developing the opinion that she goes way off-limits in trying to make her point, leaving a bad taste in the mouth. But this level-headed and well written article is definitely one of her best! Varsha has thankfully stuck to the subject, explained in a matter-of-fact style her opinion of the Big-Five. Kudos to her. Hope you write many more such level-headed ones! Das
Date sent: Thu, 21 May 1998 23:18:27 -0400 Hats off to Varsha again for the timeliness and clean language of the article which sorts out the spaghetti of CTBT/NPT and how the big 5 have acted so selfishly in forcing the non-have nations to bow to them. India has changed the Big 5 to Big 6 now. Many more such eye-opening articles will spread the truth that no one can bully us anymore and we know what is good for our country! Badrish Davanagere
Date sent: Fri, 22 May 1998 16:55:26 -0600 (CST) Well said. I totally agree with your views. Some Indians in the US tend to develop a slavish attitude towards the whiteskins and their opinion. God knows when we are going to get rid of it. They are more concerned about their Green Cards being endangered by the US sanctions than our national security! So they want to be submissive to the bossing of the US. To hell with them. Avinash
Date sent: Sat, 23 May 1998 18:57:59 +0300 Hi there, I really enjoyed your to-the-point article. I think Americans and the West are not the only people interested in their own self. Some of our politicians are also equally self centered, at the expense of our people. Look how many want to take the credit for the exlposion experiment:
1. The ever-sleepy Deve Gowda (just as well he
slept through) says his
priority was not going nuke.
Keep it up Varsha. If more people read your columns on a regular basis the pinkos would be soon turning green!. Santhan Gopal
Date sent: Mon, 22 Jun 1998 13:36:36 +0530 A very well-written article. Anil
Date sent: Thu, 21 May 1998 15:46:21 -0500 The article was timely and excellent. Should easily rank as one of her best. Although shorn of her acerbic language and spicy arguements, her clear and cool words could not hide the correctness of India's nuclear actions. More than justifying India's stand, I think the article was more significant in pointing out the Super-5's hypocrisy. More than a 'Why-I-did-this', it clearly and chronologically showed us 'Why-you-forced-me-to-do-this'. Kudos to her. Kudos also to Rediff, which is obviously India's best site. I really appreciate the fact that multiple and contrasting views are projected on this site (Dilip D'Souza and Varsha Bhosle and Prem Panicker). Keep it up, guys. Someday you will be the world's best site... for impartial projection of opinions. Shyam Chulki
From: Anil Wadhwani <anil@spherelink.com> Great article! Informative. Well-researched. Positive. Anil
Date sent: Thu, 21 May 1998 18:04:27 +0000 Comprehensive, informative and fair. Very well-written, systematically so. Wish it could be shown on other sites too, to the world run by the West's (in particular the USA's) idea of what is fair and what is not.
Date sent: Thu, 21 May 1998 14:04:07 -0400 Varsha Bhosle needs to be congratulated on this one. A superbly-written article! It shows the pains the writer has taken vis-a-vis those writers with 'Big' names scribbling cheap articles. Also, the article gives a fitting answer (I don't mean slap!) to those doubting Thomases who have been talking about 'timing' and 'money required' in view of India's nuclear tests. These people who are so much worried about money being spend need to be asked what they have done when Indian citizens are being killed in Jammu, Kashmir and the North-East. Not only that, Pakistan has been expanding it's activities through ISI and various other organisations in the whole of India (remember Coimbatore?). I never heard any Azhar or Irshad expressing their anxiety and anger towards such instances. Until Azhars and Irshads do not have courage and willingness to oppose blasts like those in Bombay, Coimbatore and Udhampur, India has no other choice but to be strong and defend itself. The way bomb-blasts and riots have been terrorising the Indian community shows the nuclear tests were done on the right time and with correct perspective. I feel Ms Varsha Bhosle's article has answered all the doubts at one stroke, just like India's nuclear tests have. Vijay
Date sent: Thu, 21 May 1998 14:28:53 PDT Dear Varsha, I agree with you that we have to protect our interests. I think the GOI had five objectives when it decided to test:
1. Keeping in mind the
security aspects of the region and the next step
in our nuclear development, the GOI
choose to go nuclear. A strong nuclear
deterrent is cost effective in the
current situation.
I believe the first four objectives have already been achieved. The US is buckling down under pressure and stopping the technological transfer to China. TD
Date sent: Thu, 21 May 1998 11:40:05 -0000 Varsha Bhosle's article on nuclear hypocrisy made very good reading. It was factual and informative and above all extremely interesting. I've been following this nuclear debate closely (as has any other Indian in the US ) and have come across lots of different viewpoints, but honest-to-goodness facts have been scarce -- it was mostly sentiment and almost zero objectivity. This was different. Thank you. Anima R Nair
Date sent: Mon, 18 May 1998 17:57:42 -0400 Congratulations Varshaji for writing such a fundu piece!! Keep going Varshaji. I have become a fan of Rediff thanks only to your articles! I never miss an opportunity to read your columns. In fact, sometimes if there aren't any good articles in Rediff, I read your articles again and again.
Date sent: Mon, 18 May 1998 12:24:03 -0400 I think it's time to remind Ms Bhosle that her Bombay cabbies and 6 metropolitan regions of India do not make the country. They must be so thin a sliver of the Indian pie as to be completely unnoticeable. I wonder if the millions who go without basics can even comprehend what all this means. Even suggesting that such a lopsided poll is representative of the country's opinion is a blasphemy on the geography of India. If Ms Bhosle claims to speak for the country, she should at least get out of Bombay and try her "opinion-meter" on a slightly larger, more representative populace. I doubt if she's up to the challenge. It's a lot easy to mouth off from a chair than get out and do some real work. Till she or any one else does that let us hold off on the euphoria.
Date sent: Mon, 18 May 1998 11:52:32 -0400 All Indians, no matter where they live and what God they pray to (or not pray at all), are undoubtedly proud of India today. In a world where might is right there is no room for cowards. I am glad India finally abandoned its weak policy -- which is always interpreted in the West (where I happen to live) as impotence. However, I cannot understand why we need to keep bringing unrelated issues such as painting Muslims as the bad guys. They are NOT any worse than the Hindus or the Christians. We should be proud of our multicultural society. Let's stop this Muslim bashing and Pakistan bashing. Let's us just concentrate on becoming a great country on all fronts. The rest will follow.
Ramana Reddy
Date sent: Mon, 18 May 1998 15:33:32 PDT I am quoting from reports:
The H(indutva) Bomb by Varsha Bhosle, May 14
New Delhi, May 12
BJP General secretary M Venkaiah Naidu:
Former Illustrated Weekly of India editor-turned-Organiser columnist
M V Kamath wrote:
International Atomic Energy Agency, May 14:
Viny Mishra, Pokhran, May 14:
India Today, May 25:
Praful Bidwai (Anti-Nuclear Activist):
Let us condemn the irresponsible act of the belligerent Indian government! Nuclear deterrent is not the pressing issue for Indians (with 22% official unemployment rate, millions of people living in poverty, secessionist movement in northeast and Kashmir, people starving to death in Kalahandi this decade, killings in Assam, bombings in Tamil Nadu, power cuts in India's silicon valley, fragile coalition at the Centre, the list goes on)! this was a stupid, foolish move which will derail the hard-earned economic progress of the deserving Indians still living in India. Let us not fool ourselves by rejoicing in the official sponsored euphoria that's pervading even the urbanite middle class. Think hard! Think for the future! Think for a better peaceful world! So, now that we are a nuclear power (at least Vajpayee wants us to believe so!!) what should we do about the posturing of Pakistan? Should we applaud the scientific inquiry of the Pak nuclear physicists? Should we be ecstatic about the replication of the complicated exotic technological experiment and applaud the advancement in knowledge of our neighbors? May be we ought to think about Hitler's experiment with eugenics and try to replicate it too? May be then we can get rid of leftist bozos who are brainwashed by their empty rhetoric and involve in propaganda of self-serving foreign powers? May be then we will also get rid of intellectuals brainwashed by the official sponsored tut-tutting on CNN? The majority of Indians support nuclear weapons programme, so we dutiful educated so-called "intellectuals" from the subcontinent should show our solidarity! Have we forgotten history? Hitler won the elections in the 1930s with a majority, Saddam won 95% of the vote, Suharto too! How come the Sangh Parivar knew about the nuclear testing before anyone else? Why did the PM want Kalam to join the Cabinet? Why now? The party that runs the Government of India is involved in a sinister plot to stay in power and capture the majority vote in the next election so that they can accomplish their fascist agenda! Leading a fragile coalition, are they looking for a diversion? Should we do nothing to stop the "ignorant, irresponsible, chest-thumping, jingoistic nationalists?" Islamic fundamentalism, Christian militancy and Hindu fanaticism have no place in this world! Yes, the Taliban, the Serb Orthodox, the RSS have no human face! The nuclear tests India has willfully conducted this time run contrary to the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty negotiations now underway. All peace loving citizens of the world should vehemently protest. India insists that developing and possessing nuclear weapons are for defense, however nuclear weapons by no means assure the security of the country. India's nuclear tests amount to a violent act that discourages the efforts of the international community, and intensify the danger of nuclear proliferation. India should heed international opinion that overwhelmingly favours the abolition of nuclear weapons, immediately halt all nuclear testing, and fulfill its duty as a nuclear power (WHO KNOWS!!) by working in good faith toward nuclear disarmament and contributing to world peace and stability. M Jamil
Date sent: Sun, 17 May 1998 18:37:53 -0700 I think you should stop carrying Ms Bhosle's columns. I say this not because she is bigoted, illogical and rabid, but because she is verbose, unimaginative and writes poorly. Can't you find a bigot with more talent? Abhay Parekh
Date sent: Sun, 17 May 1998 09:07:04 -0500 Hold on there girl friend [rhetorical], before you start jumping up and down like a juvenile [ooops... too late for that]. Let me remind you that the "The H (indutva)-bomb" you so affectionately refer to is the result of the hard work of some brilliant Indian scientists and policy makers over the last 20-some years or so. Sure, the BJP had the balls to detonate the device and certainly the credit goes to them for it, but let us not forget the tests were conducted not only for strategic reasons but also to boost the BJP's image and vote bank. What I am saying is this: to give the entire credit to the BJP for the 'bomb', ungratefully forgetting the hard work of the scientists and others is just sophomoric on your part. Don't get me wrong, I like the 'bomb' as much as the next guy and I am glad they have done what they have done -- MORE POWER TO INDIA.
Date sent: Sat, 16 May 1998 22:51:58 EDT I think among all the columnists writing on Rediff or any other news paper, Varsha is the only one who has the brains to understand the issue and the guts to state the facts without any fear or reservation. I do not know when these leftists and foreign agents will feel the pulse of the nation and find out what the man on the street really wants. Sure there should not be poverty and hunger. But we can't live in humiliation and wait till every stomach is filled before living a life of honor and respect. Once again Varsha, well done. Keep up the good work and tell it like it is.
Yash Pal Lakra
Date sent: Sat, 16 May 1998 17:00:20 -0400 (EDT) Dear Ms Bhosle: I have never seen a photograph of yours, but I can picture you well enough as one of those wild goddesses, hair flying, blood dripping from your fangs, presiding over a terrible sacrifice at which the only offering is Muslim (preferably Pakistani, but Indian will do just as fine) blood. If that blood is even half as poisonous as you claim, then how come your insides are as yet unaffected by all that venom swirling there? Madhavi Menon
Date sent: Sat, 16 May 1998 19:30:32 +0000 Varsha Bhosle wrote: Oh but I can't help it: In the end, I have to be typically Bhosle and invite all that yummy hate-mail. So here goes: You see, I, too, have an axe to grind with the BJP government... Why the hell did we waste the five nuclear explosions subterraneously? Why couldn't we test them on Islamabad instead...? Just kidding. And have a Happy Nukes Week, y'hear? These concluding remarks were in extremely bad taste. Let us hope that people like you, caught up in this nuclear frenzy today will come to grips with what India has done someday. By the way, do you know how far Islambad is from the Indian border? The fallout will take care of most of Kashmir and Punjab with the use of any conventional device. Maybe you could ask the Bombay taxi drivers their opinion on such a scenario. Maybe you can share this humor with them along with the Kashmiri and Punjabi people.
Ras H Siddiqui (A Pakistani-American writer and journalist)
Date sent: Sat, 16 May 1998 08:10:30 -0700 It is not Hindu versus Muslim, it is Pakistan's meddling in Kashmir and the CIA funding Pakistan with money to buy weapons from China through North Korea which is the issue. The Taliban is causing enough heartache to Pakistan and so they are deflecting some of the heat to India via Kashmir. Since the Muslims think it inauspicious to burn, we have to tell them that the nuke bombs do burn the dead bodies, in fact microwaves it. We Indians are very proud of the nuclear test explosions. Now we do not have to be cowed down by any treaty, but be accepted as equals and discuss non-proliferation with strong countries. By the way Israel has nuclear weapons and what is Clinton going to do about it? Till date, only the USA used the Hydrogen bomb on Japan -- now it is the kettle calling the pot black! As long as India offers American businesses a place to invest and multiply their capital, and to take back the profits, we do not have to worry of any great sanctions. If Iran can survive it, so can India. After all, India is not Iraq for America to dictate at will.
Date sent: Sat, 16 May 1998 15:06:31 IST I always agree with this lady. She is right on track once again ! I am certain that majority of Indians are happy about the tests. I can almost feel their enthusiasm. Her coloumn is THE reason I visit Rediff... Atul
Date sent: Sat, 16 May 1998 15:35:42 +1000 I liked this article by Varsha. I was really pissed off when I hear about "poverty" and India. The hidden suggestion is ALWAYS that Indians are poor, not only materially but intellectually; and need help from so-called super-powers for survival. As much as Indians may be dependent upon foreign aids, Indian personal capabilities are a proven fact in countries other than India (that is a pity, isn't it?). I have been in Australia for the past 3 years, and my impression is that this country is far behind India in "developmental" aspects. Indians have proved to be good technologically compared to a few "developed" nations, which have developed being "franchisees" of "big brothers". To me that is not being a developed country. The fact that Indians can produce most of the things on their own confirms their capability to ABSORB and DEVELOP technology ON THEIR OWN. While I may not be an Indian in political sense any more, I am proud to feel Indian after this event. This should be considered more a complex technical achievement than merely "offensive" action or "flexing muscles". I hope writers like Varsha keep pointing out such facts. I must confess, though, I do not share her views about Pakistan being only India-phobic (they certainly are Kashmir-centric).
Dr Deepak Shah
Date sent: Fri, 15 May 1998 23:21:56 -0400 I have no idea how articles by Varsha Bhosle are even published by you. In her latest column she writes: "And the don't-knowing 2% must belong in lunatic asylums", "When will these leftist bozos learn that ..." Is this the appropriate language which is used in quality compositions? Madame Bhosle should first learn to refer to people, no matter what their opinion, with respect before she comes up with her pathetic, sardonic, biased, self centered, and short sighted pieces of literature (if we can call it that). If you think that you will continue to keep her as a columnist because she draws readers, please think twice. I and many other readers will discontinue visiting your site if you continue to sponsor such a discriminatory and communally-charged and biased person. Thank you for your time. Altaf Ahmad
Date sent: Fri, 15 May 1998 19:51:57 -0400 Your column about India's nuclear testing was totally ridiculous. You seem to be completely out of control. Instead of sitting in a taxi to feel the pulse of the nation, how about taking a train or a crowded DTC bus? How about going to an overcrowded government hospital where two critically sick patients share the same bed, or to a village in Rajasthan where 4-year-old girls are being married off!? History has told us time and again that if the development of weapons take priority over other needs of a nation, it only leads to chaos. Russia is a very good example.
Date sent: Fri, 15 May 1998 16:26:04 -0400 Dear editor (I will not address this to Ms Varsha as I find some of her articles beneath my contempt), In spite of repeated complaints from your readers, it is sad and deplorable to note that you still carry such articles from a person who has no sense of respect for her readers or decency. Agreed, people have different views and she is entitled to hers, but I do not understand or approve your site giving sanction to such behaviour. The media has a big responsibility in shaping and influencing public opinion. Such spilling of personal venom, sensationalism and negativeism in media certainly makes people overreact, either for or against it, but bad either way. I know some readers also derive a sadistic pleasure out of reading such articles, but it certainly hurts a lot more. I firmly believe that Rediff, being a favourite site of many Indians, should refrain from promoting such hatred. May I kindly request that you spare us this torture? Rajesh
Date sent: Fri, 15 May 1998 13:15:08 -0700 Hi Varsha, This is the second article of yours to which I agree 100% to. However, some of your own colleagues such as Dilip D'Souza are very contradictory to your current article. You had posed one question in your past article: how come the Times group can go ahead and publish contradictory articles. Doesn't that apply to Rediff management as well? Well anyway, keep up the good work. At least, I know that you speak "truth and nothing but the truth" on "some" issues. Purvesh
Date sent: Sat, 16 May 1998 17:33:22 -0500 I think it would be better if a reputed site like Rediff On The NeT refrained from publishing such childish columns. Ms Bhosle, unfortunately seems to have hijacked space to just present her personal views in it. No doubt it is her column, but should it be used to present her biased personal opinions? It should rather be meant to present an analytical and unbiased view of issues -- something which would be worthy of being used as a discussion. Does Ms Bhosle ever feel that as a columnist, she does have some moral and social obligations? Rajesh |
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