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June 18, 1998
How Readers responded to Varsha Bhosle's last few columns
Date sent: Mon, 15 Jun 1998 22:59:35 EDT Varsha Bhosle is becoming another Subramanian Swamy! First criticism of Singhal on Ayodhya just before the general election, then on Swadeshi, and now on the Shakti Peeth. All while proclaiming to be in cahoot with Hindutvawadis! Pallabh
Date sent: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 11:29:05 EDT Another wonderful article! I have to say that I am a Hindutva advocate. But, to me this move by the VHP is simply child's play. The issues of Ayodhya and Mathura have valid reasons. But not this. There are millions of people living in India without water, food and shelter. The VHP should build a hundred houses with that money if they are looking for a way to spend some bucks. Swami Vivekananda said at the World Parliament of Religions that "Hinduism has a wonderful philosophy, but it lacks the heart of the Buddhists. Hinduism has lost that wonderful LOVE, SYMPATHY and CHARITY FOR EVERYBODY!!! This is the cause for the downfall of India, the reason why India is populated by millions of beggars and this is why India has been ruled by conquerors." So rather than doing these kinds of foolish things, I think our swamis and religious leaders should spend some of their time and energy in LOVING and taking CARE of people. That is the way to make INDIA GLORIOUS!!!! Manu Nair
Date sent: Sat, 13 Jun 1998 15:41:57 +0500 I share Varsha Bhosle's agony to this very very crazy idea. What is more disturbing is that this most cockeyed idea has takers! No sane thinking rational human being could come with something like this. It must be stopped. Varsha has expressed herself in a very well written article. Varsha, keep on speaking your mind courageously and as lucidly as you have done here. Anil
Date sent: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 09:37:07 -0700 Let me see... some citizens of a free, secular country want to build a temple using private donations at a site which is not in dispute...and you have problems with that? Did they force you to give chanda for it? Did they evict anybody from the temple site? Did they make it mandatory for all Hindus to have a Mecca-like pilgrimage there? Did they ask for any money from the government? No...so why is it bothering you whether they build a temple and worship a vial of plutonium? It is a free country. Yes, perhaps the money could be better spent in giving scholarships to students to study nuclear physics, but it is up to the people who donate the money for the temple to decide. Hell, in a country where the the rich build false ceilings to stash black market cash, building a temple using legal cash does not sound such an atrocious idea. Also, if we apply same yardstick we should all criticise your Nepal junket because the money could have better spent on paying yearly school fees for a couple of poor kids. Can I suggest the next time you have the temptation to do "research" using a taxi, take a bus instead and donate the difference to CRY? Rajen Narurkar Mr Narurkar: Ms Bhosle is not a junket-driven columnist. Her trip to Nepal happened to coincide with the President's visit. She visited Kathmandu to help her mother shoot her new music video.
Date sent: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 11:13:28 -0400 I think a number of readers are getting information from your net page about India and its political system. I am surprised that such harsh language is being used for a person who spends his life for the nation. I understand the clustering of words to be effective for good journalism, but this is an insult to the scientific community. By using these words if a writer like Varsha Bhosle wants appreciation, then I strongly object to this particular statement about the respected scientist Dr A P J Kalam. "What next, a shuddhikaran of Dr A P J Kalam...?" It's an insult to the scientific community and "sorry" is not an appropriate word for an excuse. There are other words in the dictionary that can be used instead. The writer should be responsible for such an unacceptable mistake. I am responding directly to you to look into the matter personally. I will appreciate your response.
Shashi Kant Sharma, Ph D
Date sent: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 08:52:55 -0400 I always held Ms Bhosle and her journalistic skills in high opinion. With today's trend of "me too" attitude among the "progressive intellectual" type where "open mindedness" is synonymous with being blindness towards stark reality, Ms Bhosle is a refreshing change and her columns are always worth reading. But with the most recent one, about the VHP's stance on Pokhran, she has proved herself to be an even more savvy columnist than I had previously thought. She has clearly proved that she has a very balanced opinion, is bipartisan in thinking and has no hidden agenda beyond the well being of her motherland. I can only wish we have more thinkers like her in future. Look forward to reading her columns in future.
Durga P Choudhury
Date sent: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 14:33:48 +0530 Thank you, Ms Bhosle for including Ayn Rand's quote in your article... it certainly vibes with how sane readers feel. It doesn't matter what views you are trying to espouse -- you unfailingly come across as dumb, offensive and pretentious.
Date sent: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 10:18:05 +0530 This article by Varsha Bhosle should silence her critics, at least till the next article from her!! This is a very well-written piece, and should convince all (at least, those who have doubts about her capability as a columnist) that Ms Bhosle can write good, sensible columns, bringing up sensitive and important topics. However, for Varsha's regular readers and admirers, this article is somewhat sober, lacking the 'Varsha' punch! Well, the audience likes Amitabh as the angry young man, and not as a sensitive lover, how well he performs is not important for them. That's image for you. But Varsha, keep writing on all the aspects of life that you find worth going for, we are with you!! Sameer Chivate
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 19:06:48 -0700 First of all, Varsha needs to know that all of her readers aren't well versed in Hindi to understand the Hindi expletives or pithy quotes. Please don't use them, and if you do, please translate them along side. As much as it sickens Varsha of somebody priding on some achievement, it sickens me to read something that I don't understand at all. Second of all, why such harsh language about somebody who has taken the achievements to an extra level of celebration and pride? What's wrong with that? Ask yourself a question, Varsha, what's wrong in celebrating something that's not necessarily a great scientific celebration of the human era. Going by your arguments, I would suppose that you have never celebrated in your life or have not been proud of something (that is short of some great invention). And if you ever did, it only exposes your double standards. Last and not the least of all, readers will only take a good chuckle out of such writings (and not take it seriously) Raghavendra
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:05:33 -0700 I think you are getting just a wee bit, little bit hysterical here. Please allow me to explain. Fact: Going nuclear has made Indian Hindus proud all over the world :-) A monument commemorating this extraordinary feat will be for generations and generations to be proud of ! Explanation: After a lot of cheh chehing from the rest of the world I would like to take this august occasion to praise the BJP and each and every leader of that party for making Hindus in India proud of their nuclear achievement. Come on then...you've got to give them some credit, something..... anything to be proud of !! And if it's this Peeth that makes us remember nuclear capability, hey, then more power to them! Jai Hind! Shams
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 19:57:16 -0500 Wow, quite a turn around for our friend Varsha! Say what happened 'girl friend,' why the sudden change in the outlook???? Keep'em coming Varsha. Can't say I agree with everything you say, but I do like your style. Thank you 'babe.' All the best. Mohan Marette PS: Now don't start with me 'cos I called you 'babe,' it is just rhetorical you understand.
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 21:17:08 -0300 I am shocked at the titanium export to Pakistan. IF INDIA CANNOT PROTECT ITS NUCLEAR TECHNOLOGY FROM BEING SMUGGLED INTO OTHER COUNTRIES, THEN IT SHOULD NOT GO NUCLEAR. SO WHAT if the VHP says it will build a temple in Pokhran??? Isn't Pokhran a part of India??? If one buys land legally, then he can build whatever he wants there. If I want to build a temple there and if I do it legally, THERE IS NO VARSHA BHOSLE WHO CAN STOP ME. If you call this fascist, then I am fascist and proud of it. As an Indian citizen, I want an answer from Mr George Fernandes and the CBI on what is it doing to get hold of the titanium illegally exported to Pakistan. By the way, WHATEVER happened to your so-called HINDU NATION attitude VARSHA?? YOU DIDN'T CHICKEN OUT, DID YOU???? Or is it that now we have a Hindu government that you are just speaking rubbish to oppose it. DO ANY OF YOU REDIFF WRITERS EVER WRITE ABOUT THE POSITIVE THINGS THIS GOVERNMENT HAS DONE? YOU ALL ARE SO TYPICALLY INDIAN. OPPOSE THE GOVERNMENT WHEN IT'S IN POWER, AND IF YOU GET POWER, THEN MISUSE IT. I COMPLETELY SUPPORT THE BJP, RSS AND VHP AND ALL OTHER HINDU MILITANT ORGANISATIONS.
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 12:56:56 -0700 I read a few remarks on Varshaji, and one of them is: "Varsha Bhosle is the only columnist known to have an actual fan club on the Internet!" And, her reply to one of the readers, saying that no need to worry too much about the size, format, etc. when you write articles on the Internet. Whatever thought comes to mind, just go on writing it. When you are not serious about what you are writing, and go on writing a lambi kahani then you end up building a fan club. This should not be the goal, a little bit of sense is also needed. You wrote more than 175 lines in Hum doobenge, BJP ko saath lekar. If you have understood completely, or not understood anything, then the article ends in not more than 20 lines. Here are my answers to your questions in Hum doobenge... It took me some time to find out what exactly you are saying or asking in your lambi kahani. 1. Did we land on Jupiter? No. If yes, then VHP would have built the Peeth on Jupiter. 2. The only peeths I've heard about have everything to do with divinity! Hindu philosophy is not stagnant water. Now, you start hearing something to do with strength and divinity. 3. Have we yet been allowed into the exclusive Nuclear Club...? Have we announced that we stop taking food unless and until we are allowed into the exclusive... No. So, we haven't taken anything for granted. So, keep doing what you are doing, but within the "20 lines" formula. 4. What does the foreigner's new pro-India stance have to do with the damn Peeth? When VHP proposed their plan, right or wrong, they didn't ask G-5 or G-8 this question. And I don't think that the VHP ever thought about how the "foreigner" feels about it. Only intellectuals get these kinds of questions. 5. Holy waters brought from "shakti kendras" equals Hindu rites. Pandit Nehru also felt the same at one point. Since the whole Hindu philosophy is based on charcha, your "equals" is "not equal" for me. Nagaraj
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 16:19:58 -0400 So much has been written about the Shakti Peeth, but I kept away from that subject because I felt it a matter of individual organisations on how to show the proud moment in India's recent history. Ninety per cent Indians rejoiced over this event. Not because they love bombing and destruction but because they treated it as a symbol of achievement. Not to say that this is the only achievement India has had in the last 50 years. We have a good green revolution that we are not begging for food any more. There are many more achievements to be proud of. But this achievement where every Indian knows that other countries tried their best to prevent India from achieving this defence weapons, meant a lot to the 90 per cent Indians who rejoiced. We Indians have a habit of bashing, criticising everything. The Indian liberal media is one step ahead. Rather than suggesting any other idea, they are ready to thrash every idea given by a majority people. The drinking water, infrastructure problems will not end for the next 100 years. Even America has got homeless, hungry and poor people. These reasons should not come in between our celebration of any kind. We did not have the pride to even make a memorial for the 1965 or 1971 war, or a memorial for the Indian defence personnel who sacrificed their lives in 1948, 1962, 1965 or 1971. The last memorial was built by the British at India Gate. If VHP/BJP wants to bring down the icons of slavery like Babri Masjid, then they are told that they cannot change history. When they want to celebrate recent achievements it is also objected. In their minds the liberal media has objected to the rejoicing of 90 per cent Indians, but could not gather courage to talk against Americans in the Gulf war. Few months ago when US war mongers were going behind the fake threat of Iraq's biological weapons, nobody cared. Enough of teaching the Indians and Hindus. Leave them alone. If they want to celebrate let them do it. If you do not agree, you have enough to worry -- poverty, water, electricity. Should we just criticise everything?
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 18:46:02 -0400 Out of that entire article this is the one point where your unwarranted attack on Ashokji seemed to make some sense. You wrote the following: "Then if you want to see a real conundrum, Mr Chowgule obliges: "It cannot be denied that there is an urgent need for schools, drinking water, etc. But the expenditure in the Peeth will be an infinitesimally small part of the expenditure required in these areas. Moreover, this argument is a clear admission that the country has failed in attending to the basic needs of the people... Do they (other political parties) apply the same standards when they constructed monuments for their own heroes, many with direct government support? The VHP will not seek such support. In the same way that the Somnath Temple was reconstructed, the VHP will once again appeal to the people... The construction of the Peeth and development projects are not either/or issues." Hmmm... First, the nitwit admits to the urgent need for facilities; then blames the lack on the Congress which has ruled for much of the 50 years; then castigates them for constructing monuments for their heroes -- and then justifies his own organisation for embarking on a similar travesty... Yech. Folks, be ready: Instead of the 867th statue of Rajiv Gandhi and the umpteenth Raj Ghat, we can now expect various peeths and the like instead... " But alas! you proved yourself quite the nitwit here. Varsha, you have so conveniently (I mean perhaps deliberately) overlooked that one all-important assertion in Ashokji's argument: "The VHP will not seek such support." Let me repeat that again if it has failed to register in the fluid morass of your incredibly fickle mind: "The VHP will not seek such support," the important word being SUCH. In effect what Ashok Chowgule has said is that unlike the Congress who squandered OUR money in glorifying their own heroes (who were actually India's greatest villains), the VHP will use private, voluntary support in the same way that the Somnath Temple was constructed. What "conundrum" are you referring to?? What "similar travesty" are you talking about? Once upon a time I would have applauded you as a modern-day avatar of Rani of Jhansi who took on the entire establishment of the anti-Hindu leftist press... now I see that you are appropriately named after those ever-fickle monsoon rains. I foresee a drought. Amit Rajesh Nishar
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 14:52:39 -0700 (PDT) Well, I initially wondered if realisation had finally dawned on Varsha Bhosle. Then, I thought of a much simpler explanation for this phenomenon... So Ms Bhosle, please don't drink and write!
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 16:50:25 -0500 I don't like the writing style of Varsha Bhosle per se, however I agree in principle that there should be no meddling by the VHP in matters of scientific and defence matters. I find it quite ridiculous. What's next -- Sukhoi and MIG pooja. I guess, going on VHP lines we might also build a temple in the Chandipur test range and Siachen. Put gende ka phool (marigold) garlands around Prithvi and Agni, light some incense sticks and then test fire them. Just a thought. Rakesh Dubey
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 16:47:53 -0500 Yes! Now that's called a meaningful article. Why don't you people write articles like this about the actual problems of the nation rather than writing something about the masjid and mandir? All these good for nothing, people ( read VHP fundamentalists) should be pulled for doing such drama in trying to link an unfortunate nuclearisation of the nation as a measurement of strength of Hinduism. Water, clothing, house, food, roads, electricity, education are our main problems. News media plays a big role in highlighting social problems. Why don't I see even a single article suggesting some solution to such problems outside the scope of these corrupt criminals (read politicians)? Why are there no articles about the social service organisations working in the villages and how can someone help them? These so-called Hindu sadhus and religious leaders are supposed to be doing some constructive work for the biggest Hindu society but see what they are up to? What we can do is to educate people as to why it is an absolutely sick idea to construct a Shakti Peeth at Pokhran. Varsha, we expect these kind of meaningful articles from you. Keep it up.
Mukesh Soni
Date sent: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 15:50:12 -0700 Bravo, clearly Varsha is capable of coherent thought -- just needs to do it more often. Also this is the FIRST time I have seen mention of the fact that scientifically at least, the test were not worth anything at all (the political fallout is another matter). It certainly needs to be emphasised .... Ashim
Date sent: Fri, 12 Jun 1998 00:31:43 +0530 I am glad people like Ms Bhosle continue to see through the actions of the VHP and Co. These pathetic self-appointed guardians of the Indian people's sentiments remain pathologically out of touch with reality. Unless a saner leadership comes to power (power and decisiveness required), these esteemed gentlemen will continue to push India to her doom. Obviously the present government does not have the time to be any good in this regard. And who'd have it anyway, not with they being so busy kow-towing to their overlords (RSS) or being so scared of their 'allies' that they have to resort to a nuclear fog just to buy more time. A lot people will feel an acute heartburn when they read this column but you can't help it -- truth hurts after all. In conclusion, I would like to congratulate Varsha for this article and request her to carry on with more of these unbiased, incisive, clear and precise articles. Thank you Varsha.
Date sent: Wed, 10 Jun 1998 12:08:46 -0500 Give the Sangh Parivar enough time and they will surely make fools of themselves. The only problem is, since they currently have the pretense to power, they are making a laughing-stock out of the country. This nuclear adventure for example -- first they spew their jingoistic rhetoric, then Pakistan explodes its own devices, then we have Vajpayeeji 'tail-tucked-in' talking about 'thinking-about-our- -children-and-grandchildren.' Is this is a schizophrenic Pakistan policy or what? Vajpayee was rightly snubbed by G A Khan. On the whole Pakistan came out looking much better than us. The most notable feature of the Sangh Parivar is the way in which they single-mindlessly pursue their dubious goals. Next they will try to construct a temple. Is peace worth sacrificing for the sake of a temple? Already Ram (PBUH) has shown his displeasure at this idea by first sending a heat wave and then a cyclone. Only He knows what's next in store for us. V Bhosle -- her writings are irritating. She knows how to regurgitate the list of Chinese sins, but is too intellectually lazy to make the obvious conclusion -- that the US consistently favours China over India because it is expedient to do so. A thousand nuclear explosions will not change this fact, nor will our howling. The US has a single-minded standard: the $. Another of her fables is that the West wants to keep nuclear power to itself. Is she geographically challenged? Since when were China and Russia considered part of the West. This is just another fable being floated around by some pseudo-patriots. As for the 'lions of Indian business' -- the economic isolation that could result would benefit only them, allowing them to continue to take the country for a ride. No wonder they support it. Admit it, there really is not much that is groundbreaking about a nuclear explosion. A few years ago a college student in the US designed an atom bomb for his term paper. Japan, South Korea, Australia, Taiwan, South Africa, Brazil, Argentina, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Germany, Canada, Mexico et al could a create a bomb in months if they could or wanted to. It is childish to expect universal attention for just a nuclear device. Lastly, Bhosle does *not* tell it like it is. The truth is -- there are several layers of reality -- any thinking person knows that. She merely spouts superficial rhetoric about a superficial perceived reality. If what she writes is considered serious commentary -- God help us. D P Chaturvedi |