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'We may need a visa to get into Kashmir in another 20 years from now'

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Date sent: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 13:22:45 -0700
From: Vassan Pillai <>
Subject: TN to make Tamil flight announcements

Thank you for carrying news from all over India. Regarding TN state's decision to make Tamil 'in flight' announcements compulsory, it's overdue. Bravo Dr M Tamizhkudimagan!

Vassan Pillai

Date sent: Tue, 15 Dec 1998 08:08:05 PST
From: "sathish kumar" <>
Subject: Reply to Ashok Row Kavi's article

I do not agree with any of your arguments regarding the Hindu mythology. If Hindu mythology does not say homosexuality is a sin, it does not mean it accepts homosexuality. Your interpretation of "Vikruti Evam Prakruti" is absolutely wrong. The Hindu scriptures urge all pious Hindus to treat all living beings and worship all forms of nature and treat everyone with respect. This does not mean that anyone who tampers with our Hindu mythology or culture should be tolerated.

Though I do not support the means of protest taken by the Shiv Sena or RSS, I wholeheartedly believe that Fire should not be screened in India. I am currently staying in America, where the so-called gay and lesbian concepts are at a peak. I have gathered all Indians here and shared my views with them on this recent controversy. Not a single person supported the Fire. We honestly believe that it is the innate Hindu culture imbibed in our hearts that is still keeping us pious and away from all the evil practices. So we urge people like you to stop writing articles like this.

Even in the Hindu mythology, when the evil became more prevalent god took some avatar and destroyed it. So time has come for us to react aggressively to evil and destroyers of our culture. I think like all other religions, we need to fight aggressively with those who try to portray our culture in an obscene way.

So it is time for Hindus, as Hindus, to stand up and destroy those tarnishing the Hindu culture.

Date sent: Mon, 14 Dec 1998 00:28:12 -0700
From: mohit bhargava <>
Subject: Uma Bharati interview!

The questions are from 19th century and answers from the 17th! Not even worth commenting anymore!


Date sent: Sun, 13 Dec 1998 20:09:50 +0530
From: "Nagesh Nayak" <>
Subject: Thane municipal commissioner report

Strangely I missed this report in the local papers of Bombay. The heat is on.

Let not the present rulers think they can do away with peoples opinion. This small little man may bring about the downfall of the present 40 leaders he claims are responsible for the issue.


Date sent: Wed, 2 Dec 1998 12:03:15 -0500
From: <>
Subject: Comments about Sankaracharya

I feel exactly the same way as Alfred Devaprasad feels. They will certainly destroy India. What is wrong with the pseudo "secularists" of India?

A. Ravindran, PhD
Bethesda, MD, USA

Date sent: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 06:51:03 -0600
From: chiranjiv benegal <>
Subject: Yeh Hai India... Haryana

It looks like there are too many holidays, which to a certain extent is true but the writer has got carried away. No, lost himself in his Maths! Everyone doesn't benefit from all restricted holidays. Then again you have the weekends where there are some gazetted holidays. Again weekends also are counted when one takes one's earned leave etc. Such articles give a wrong impression of the country. Such articles should also have comparative figures from other states.

If one not familiar with India and its states, foreigners will end up saying that in India, government employees end up working only every alternate day. If such an impression is created how many non-Indians do you think will have an incentive to look for opportunities in India. Responsible journalism is a way to build the morale of the people in India and promote India for foreign investments.

Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 19:43:24 -0400
From: "M Basker" <>
Subject: Rajeev Srinivasan and economics

You have just stopped short of saying that India is on the verge of a collapse. The other day, the CPI-M representative Ashok Mitra said: "Kashmir is as good as gone ..." After reading so much, I have begun to believe that we may need a visa to get into Kashmir in another 20 years from now.

In economic theory, "real world is often a special case." This seems to be proved the nth time. I can say this much: "Jeffrey Sachs will not be listened to in TN and Karnataka."

This is simply because of the fact that, if the shock therapy works, the government will suffer a shocking defeat in the elections. This has been amply demonstrated time and again. In this context, Professor Amartya Sen's words sound most sensible. After you have identified the ends that need to be achieved, it is acceptable to change the means if they have not demonstrated expected results. The system of improving the process to achieve the end-results seems to be the only way to correct the ills. Anyway, after all this rattling, the government is not going to listen at all. What's the point then? They only want our votes and not (sensible) thoughts.

Date: Tue, 13 Oct 1998 14:37:40 +0530
From: Ram Iyer <>
Subject: Business Commentary/Mahesh Nair

Mahesh Nair's calculation in bringing down the working days from 365 to 168 days may have some logic. However, he is sadly mistaken in calculating 1/3rd of 168 days considering the government offices' working time of eight hours. The figure of 56 full working days, after subtracting and deducting from 365 days, is incorrect. In that case it amounts to 56 full 24-hour working days - nobody works continuous 24 hours for 56 full days. In fact, it is 168 days of eight hours each.

According to Mahesh, another three months of maternity i.e. 76 working days needs to be deducted for ladies. When only 56 full working days are left, from where will a lady get 76 working days?

In any case this sort of calculation is not new to us. Mahesh, do you have any other method of calculation?

Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 16:11:10 -0500
From: "Pradip Parekh" <>
Subject: Kashmir's economic woes

Whatever solution is attempted to improve Kashmir's economy, it must never include pumping in more federal money. Secondly, any help going to Kashmir from India must be done on a quid-pro-quo basis, such as doing away with Article 370. It is time to handle Kashmir in a business-like manner.

Pradip Parekh

Date sent: Tue, 8 Dec 1998 23:13:32 +0530
From: "malkish" <>
Subject: Karan Johar

It was good and there should be such more interviews with upcoming personalities to know them and their views.

Date sent: Thu, 10 Dec 1998 01:00:00 +0530
From: Hansal Mehta <>
Subject: The Shobha Warrier story

Perhaps, Warrier, you should get your facts right. There is too much of Kerala bias in the write-up. In fact, the jury found only seven of the selected films of good quality. And no they weren't only from Kerala. Please check your facts before writing. And it's unfair to publish such a biased and opinionated report.

Date sent: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 09:05:59 +0800
From: naman <>
Subject: It kind of grows on you

Once again your film reviewer proves that no research has been done on the piece. A very important fact wasn't mentioned in the review -- that Doli Sajake Rakhna is a remake of the Malayalam super hit Aniyathipravu, which was also remade into Tamil as Kathalukku Maryadai.

It's easy to write a review, but not so easy to research apparently. Besides, if your reviewer needs research to unearth such a simple fact, he/she shouldn't be in this job in the first place. Aah, what else can one expect from Rediff? The fact that your bunch is choc-a-bloc with film-illiterates is self-evident. Keeping with the spirit of the season Bah Humbug.


Date sent: Thu, 03 Dec 1998 19:19:29 +0800
From: naman <>
Subject: Makes and remakes

Hah, as usual no research. You say "Meanwhile, Damini is also being remade in Tamil as Priyanka with Revathi playing the role Meenakshi essayed in the original, Jairam the one by Rishi Kapoor and Prabhu that of Sunny Deol.''

FYI, this may come as a shock to you, my film-illiterate people at Rediff - Priyanka was made more than two years ago. So what's with this "being remade'' stuff.


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