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'If it's about looks, Sunny Leone will win Bigg Boss5'

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 14:05 IST
Pooja Bedi

Former model and actress Pooja Bedi was the last housemate to be evicted from Bigg Boss 5. She's quite excited to be back with her family and described her stay in the Bigg Boss house as some kind of a 'social experiment'.

The former inmate recently caught up with her fans on Rediff chat and talked about her close friendship with Sky and what she thinks of Pooja Missra, among other things.

Here's the unedited chat transcript for those who missed it:

samir agrawal : is it correct that siddharth is a very harsh and unreal person? 
Pooja Bedi: He is fun and young but headed and has lots of arrogance...terrible combo to deal with daily.

Akhil Sharma: THIS YEAR BIG BOSS IS THE WORST AS EVERYONE IS JUST FIGHTING TO GET MAXIMUM FOOTAGE Pooja Bedi: Abslty on...what a destructive formula to live with 24/7

Manu Tandon: Your behavior in the house with SKY as compared to rest of the housemates proves that LOVE IS BLIND :) 
Pooja Bedi: What a pity..they didn't show my equal affection for Juhi, Sunny, Rageshwari..they get a lot more than he does.

'Sidharth is immature and arrogant'

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 14:05 IST
Pooja Bedi

Shankar Gopal: Shonali will win for the same reason that Shweta won last time. Good looks. Your comment please
Pooja Bedi: If it's a matter of looks, Sunny will win for sure.

poonam dil: do you think sky can show you heaven?
Pooja Bedi: HA HA HA HA..good one ! But only if heaven=friendship....only

bachchelal kanojia: Dear Pooja - Sunny Leone is really hot ?
Pooja Bedi: She is even prettier in real life and her amazing personality, which is so gentle and graceful, only adds to her appeal.

sunil kumar: How do all of you in there manage to be trim with make up and eyebrows done does a stylist visit?
Pooja Bedi: We do our own threading, waxing, bleeching and even provided hair colour kits..but we have to do everything ourselves.

'I have a book contract and a TV show to look forward to'

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 14:05 IST
Pooja Bedi

avc abc: In BB u were always busy in describing the character of housemates in ive & -ive shades.what do u say about your & SKY?
Pooja Bedi: Extremly misunderstood and misrepresented in an attempt to cash-in on his bad boy image, which is popular on TV.

sunil kumar: Do all of you get a stylist for your make up at big boss' house
Pooja Bedi: Nope..but we have all day and the time in the world to put on our make up.

gulam faizuddin: what is your future plans anything new
Pooja Bedi: A book contract based on my columns and a subsequent radio show and TV show


'Bigg Boss was an emotional roller coaster ride'

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 14:05 IST
Pooja Bedi

prashant: Why didn't you stop Sid when he was hurling abuses at Ms. Misrra?
Pooja Bedi: Ofcrse i did, Physically held him and got hurt too doing it..because he was soo angry..did they not show the scene in bathroom?

vijay kumar: just a craaaazzzzy fan of yours pooji....rite from vishkanya never missed a movie of yours....luv u with all my heart !!!
Pooja Bedi: YaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaY!!!!!!!!! Thank You for so much love

Dhananjai Mishra: u hv good sence of humor, i like your way, do something creative for TV
Pooja Bedi: I really wish they had shown the crzy fun moments we had in there which were 80% of time instead of reflecting 80% of fights

Shams Khan: hi...pooja how r u ? how was big boss exprinece ? reply dear
Pooja Bedi: facinating emotional rollar coaster...made some amazing friends..Laxmi, Juhi, Sky and my darling Rageshwari.

'I hug and kiss all my friends equally'

Last updated on: December 1, 2011 14:05 IST
Pooja Bedi

nitesh nagda : dont u feel ashamed of the kind of relation u shared with Sky... kissing n hugging and jumping on him on bed.
Pooja Bedi : I hug and kiss all my friends equally..pitty they don't show me doing the same with Sunny and Juhi to put things in prespective

Watch Dog : hey Pooja, how do you feel now after being out of that messy BB house?
Pooja Bedi : Like a deep sea diver feels when he goes deep down for months and surfaces w/o decopmpression

Abhinav Shankar : i must compliment you on your thought process .. you know what u want to do and u will go to any extent to defend it.
Pooja Bedi : Always lived my life being happy with my actions and not the thoughts of thank you and big hug

jaggu : @jitesh NO ONE WANTS TO SEE HER
Pooja Bedi : Pooja Mishra is mentally imbalanced and therefore I feel it's unethical for her to re-enter such a hostile environment

Pooja Bedi : Had great fun chatting.lovely to connect ..hope i cleared some misconceptions..thank you for your love and support..Hugs