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Rediff's Oscars 2013 Predictions!

Last updated on: February 21, 2013 16:10 IST

Image: Scenes from Lincoln and Argo
With just a few days left for the 85th Annual Academy Awards, Rediff's critics -- Raja Sen, Sukanya Verma, Aseem Chhabra and Arthur J Pais -- tried a bit of Oscar soothsaying in the major categories.
We start with the Best Picture category, and the nominees are Django Unchained, Argo, Beasts Of The Southern Wild, Amour, Lincoln, Silver Linings Playbook, Zero Dark Thirty, Life Of Pi, Les Miserables

Raja Sen predicts: Lincoln
Sukanya Verma predicts: Argo
Aseem Chhabra predicts: Argo
Arthur J Pais predicts: Argo
Click through the slide show, and do make your own predictions as well!

Best Director

Image: Steven Spielberg, Benh Zeitlin, Michael Haneke
Nominees for the Best Director are Michael Haneke for Amour, Benh Zeitlin for Beasts Of The Southern Wild, Steven Spielberg for Lincoln, Ang Lee for Life Of Pi and David O Russell for Silver Linings Playbook

Raja Sen: Steven Spielberg for Lincoln
Sukanya Verma: Benh Zeitlin for Beasts of the Southern Wild
Aseem Chhabra: Michael Haneke for Amour
Arthur J Pais: Steven Spielberg for Lincoln

Best Actor

Image: Daniel Day for Lewis in Lincoln
Nominees for Best Actor are Joaquin Phoenix for The Master, Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln, Denzel Washington for Flight, Bradley Cooper for Silver Linings Playbook and Hugh Jackman for Les Miserables

Raja Sen: Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln
Sukanya Verma: Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln
Aseem Chhabra: Daniel Da-Lewis for Lincoln
Arthur J Pais: Daniel Day-Lewis for Lincoln

Best Actress

Image: Jessica Chastain in Zero Dark Thirty and Emmanuelle Riva in Amour
Nominees for Best Actress are Quvenzhane Wallis for Beasts Of The Southern Wild, Emmanuelle Rive for Amour, Jessica Chastain for Zero Dark Thirty, Naomi Watts for The Impossible and Jennifer Lawrence for Silver Linings Playbook.

Raja Sen: Jessica Chastain for Zero Dark Thirty
Sukanya Verma: Emmanuelle Riva for Amour
Aseem Chhabra: Emmanuelle Riva for Amour
Arthur J Pais: Emmanuelle Riva for Amour

Best Supporting Actor

Image: Alan Arkin in Argo, Christopher Waltz in Django Unchained, Robert De Niro in Silver Linings Playbook
Nominees for Best Supporting Actor are Philip Seymour Hoffman for The Master, Christoph Waltz for Django Unchained, Tommy Lee Jones for Lincoln, Alan Arkin for Argo and Robert De Niro for Silver Linings Playbook

Raja Sen: Alan Arkin for Argo
Sukanya Verma: Christopher Waltz for Django Unchained
Aseem Chhabra: Robert De Niro for Silver Linings Playbook
Arthur J Pais: Alan Arkin for Argo

Best Supporting Actress

Image: Anne Hathaway in Les Miserables
Nominees for Best Supporting Actress are Amy Adams for The Master, Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables, Helen Hunt for The Sessions, Jacki Weaver for Silver Linings Playbook and Sally Field for Lincoln

Raja Sen: Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables
Sukanya Verma: Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables
Aseem Chhabra: Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables
Arthur J Pais: Anne Hathaway for Les Miserables