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Twilight's Eclipse wins top People's Choice Award

Last updated on: January 6, 2011 17:59 IST
A scene from Eclipse

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The vampire-themed movie series The Twilight Saga: Eclipse won the biggest People's Choice Award Favourite Movie.

Fans picked the third film in the Twilight franchise in the Favourite Movie and Favourite Movie: Drama categories, reports CBS News

Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner were voted Favourite On-Screen Team, and Stewart also won the award for Favourite Movie Actress.

Johnny Depp bagged the award for Favourite Actor while Jackie Chan won for Action Star.

Adam Sandler won for Comedic Star, and Toy Story 3 was voted Favourite Family Movie.

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Jolie, Liz Taylor can 'swear like a sailor': Johnny Depp

Last updated on: January 6, 2011 17:59 IST
A scene from The Tourist

Johnny Depp has revealed that Angelina Jolie and Elizabeth Taylor share the ability to 'swear like a sailor'.

'I've had the honour and pleasure and gift of having known Elizabeth Taylor for a number of years,' The Daily Express quoted Depp as telling Vanity Fair.

'You know, you sit down with her she sits there and cusses like a sailor and she's hilarious. Angie's got the same kind of thing, you know, the same approach,' he added.

Depp has worked with Jolie in the recently released movie The Tourist.

Eva Longoria dating Penelope Cruz's bro

Last updated on: January 6, 2011 17:59 IST
Eva Longoria

It looks like Eva Longoria has moved on from her split with husband Tony Parker.

The actress has been seen in the company of Penelope Cruz's little brother, Eduardo.

Longoria was spotted on Christmas Eve morning walking around barefoot in her garage wearing a short white robe, Desperate Housewives style. Eduardo, also barefoot, was seen in the garage shortly after.

'He's there at least three nights out of every four -- he turns up and he leaves the next morning,' the New York Post quoted a source as telling OK!

'They are trying desperately to stay beneath the radar,' the source added.

Neighbours near Eva's 3.6-million-dollar home in Los Angeles say she's been spending a lot of time with the scruffy Spanish pop singer who's 10 years her junior.

However, Longoria's rep explained, 'Eva and Eduardo are friends.'

Sean Penn opens up about his divorce

Last updated on: January 6, 2011 17:59 IST
Robin Wright. and Sean Penn

Sean Penn spoke out about his divorce last year from wife Robin Wright.

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Penn, 50, had to give up half of everything during the divorce, but he says not being able to raise his son as a family is what he regrets most.

'A profound change in life for me personally was not being able to raise my son in a whole family through high school,' the New York Post quoted him as saying.

'I got practical issues, like everybody. I had just got taken for one half of everything I had in the divorce, so it's not like I don't have to work,' he added.

Courtney Love sued over her Twitter comments

Last updated on: January 6, 2011 17:59 IST
Courtney Love

Courtney Love has been sued by Texas-based fashion designer Dawn Simorangkir over the singer's comments made on the micro-blogging website Twitter.

Love used her Twitter account to describe Simorangkir as a 'drug pushing prostitute' during a dispute over payment for clothes.

That comment was automatically picked up by 40,000 people through the social networking platform, and they in turn passed them on to others.

Now Simorangkir has brought a potentially groundbreaking legal case in which she claims false statements by Love damaged her career in the fashion world, and could have cost her millions of dollars. This is the first time has that a first high profile celebrity is sued over comments made on Twitter.

'There has never been anything like this case before,' the Telegraph quoted Simorangkir's lawyer Bryan Freedman as telling The Hollywood Reporter.

The case is set to go to court in Los Angeles later this month and the fashion designer is asking for unspecified damages.

According to the complaint Love 'embarked on what is nothing short of an obsessive and delusional crusade to destroy Simorangkir's reputation and her livelihood.'

She accuses Love of 'spreading vile and vicious lies through marathon rants' on social networking platforms.

However, James Janowitz, a lawyer for the singer said, 'We don't believe there is any defamation, and even if there were defamatory statements, there was no damage.'