Siddharth Anand, who gave us films like Salaam Namaste, Ta Ra Rum Pum and Bachna Ae Haseeno, is back with another love story Anjaana Anjaani (watch the trailer here).

The film stars Priyanka Chopra and Ranbir Kapoor.
Fans wanting to know more got a chance to quiz the filmmaker about the movie and the new jodi. For those who missed the chat, here's what transpired.
Siddharth Anand says, Hi,guys! This is me, Siddharth Anand! Let's get on with it!
dsadsd asked, Hi, Anand... the trailer looks very interesting..hope the movie lives up to the promise.
Siddharth Anand answers,Yes, the response to the trailers are very positive, and yes the film God willing will not disappoint you!
ashish asked, Hey Anand, What is the best part you think is in Anjana-Anjanee
Siddharth Anand answers, It's a love story that you will see after a long time! Nowadays there's a trend to make rom coms, so this is a deviation from that in a sense.
sheeba asked, are u married
Siddharth Anand answers,Yes, very much! Happily ever after!
gagan asked, hey Sid, don't u think that the name of the movie is really bad?
Siddharth Anand answers, No, I don't think so, but next time I'll surely consult you my friend!
sheeba asked, hi when is the movie releasing.
Siddharth Anand answers, September 24! Please remember the date!
Rajesh asked, hi promos are very nice!!!
Siddharth Anand answers,Thank you!
Satya asked, hello siddarth..I enjoyed Salam Namaste and bachna e hasino..have not watched tara ram pam pam
Siddharth Anand answers,Thank you! You will not be let down with AA too my friend!
sak_amq asked, It appears as if it is on the same line as BAH was. Is it true?
Siddharth Anand answers, Why would I do that, huh?
sak_amq asked, The trailer of AA looks great. Can u tell what is the crux of the story?
Siddharth Anand answers, If I were an audience to AA I wouldn't want to know the story before I saw it, no?
sahil asked, hi siddharth, this question is a little funny. I'm 26, I look a bit like you (only slightly better!), am a lawyer and want to act. How about it?!
Siddharth Anand answers, Please get a nice portfolio clicked and start doing endless rounds of production houses, but if you look anything like me, You won't get it I promise you!
'Apart from my films, I liked My Name is Khan'
Image: A scene from Anjaana Anjaanisneha asked, Hi Anand, what advice would you give to an aspiring film director who does not have contacts in the film industry. How should he go about getting someone to produce his film
Siddharth Anand answers, Write your film out completely. If it's good, you will definitely get work.
gadha asked, hy anand how r u man
Siddharth Anand answers, I'm anxious. How are you?
Micheal asked, Hi Sid.. I saw the making of your film.. Looked like you made the working environment great fun for everyone.. How was it shooting in New York?
Siddharth Anand answers, It was Christmas time in NY. The atmosphere itself lent to a lot of fun! And I generally keep the mood very light on my set.
Rajarshi asked, From the trailer only we can make out it will be a super hit.
Siddharth Anand answers, God bless you and our film:)
Himanshu asked, "Hairat" is really amazing song. I think it will break all the records...
Siddharth Anand answers, Yes the song has turned out to be really special
soham asked, Anjana Anjani will be rock.
Siddharth Anand answers, Thank you. Yes it will hopefully ROCK!
gagan asked, What do u feel that what people want to see in movies and what u r showing to prove this
Siddharth Anand answers, Entertainment, clean entertainment.
Satya asked, I luv the music so far..spcly the anjana anajani ki kahani and hairat look like a paisa vasul fun movie to me..i will watch it wid my gf :)
Siddharth Anand answers, Also take your family, yaar and her family maybe?:)
rani asked, which is favourite track for the movie..
Siddharth Anand answers, The love song...the title song!
Rajesh asked, music is also good so looking forward to see the movie.
Siddharth Anand answers,Thanks!!
akashagrawal asked, Are you gonna produce your next movie?
Siddharth Anand answers, Maybe... I'm thinking about it.
sheeba asked, and tujhe bhula diya rocks sidharth..u have been listening to it continously in my colleagues call me crazy
Siddharth Anand answers,That is an outstanding song...enjoy! You have good taste!
jinesh asked, Hi Siddharth..Apart from your movie any other movie u liked off late!!
Siddharth Anand answers, My Name is Khan.
Joyce asked, .. really wanted to ask you.. Actually everone who puts so much to make a film.. How do u try so much to not let the print get out b4 the release of the dvd.. and still we see pirated stuff everywhere around us. feels really sad when ppl jus go and buy it.. Or download it.. without a thot!
Siddharth Anand answers, Thank you for even thinking about it. Only you, the audience can put an end to this by not seeing pirated copies.
'I would love to work with Salman'
Image: A scene from Anjaana AnjaaniSiddharth Anand answers, I certainly pray everyday for that!
Sidrock asked, hi siddharth.. I am sidharth too only with a single d.. the promos and songs are looking great.. specially "hairat".. What next after AA? r u working with ranbir again ?
Siddharth Anand answers, Hi Sid! No plans as yet but let's see.
akashagrawal asked, Has Anjaana Anjaani got a kissing scene between RK and Priyanka?
Siddharth Anand answers, Buy a ticket. You won't be disappointed.
SouravShah asked, Hi Sid, in ur promos the leads are looking at a billboard that states ' What I wish to do nefore I die'? Are there really such innovative billboards in U.S?
Siddharth Anand answers, Yes, it was on 5th Avenue in NY.
Abhishek asked, Why cant the movie be shot in India so that we identify with the characters?
Siddharth Anand answers, People living abroad are also human, yaar.
Sidrock asked, how do you find Salman as an actor? any plans of doing a movie with him ?
Siddharth Anand answers, I would love to!
RG asked, Both Ranbir & Priyanka are lukin super cool.. Block buster in the makin. by the way wats the subject matter lyk.. can u share a bit..
Siddharth Anand answers,Watch it and discover the film. That's the magic of cinema.
Tapasvi asked, Hi Sid Title Song is very nice.
Siddharth Anand answers,Ya, it's fun.
Urooj asked, Assalaalikum Sid nice numbers...congrats...are any one of you coming to my Lucknow city for promo of movie..Allah aap ki movie hit ho...
Siddharth Anand answers, Bahut bahut shukriya... aise hi dua dete rahiye!
'My best is yet to come'
Image: A scene from Anjaana Anjaanisoham asked, Hi Sid, Priyanka is better or Ranbir is better?
Siddharth Anand answers, I am.
akashagrawal asked, What's the length of AA?
Siddharth Anand answers, 2 hours and 20 minutes.
suvajit asked, hii the movie seem too be rocking
Siddharth Anand answers, Yes! I love you man!
tina123 asked, they say a director's 1st film is his best as he lives with it the longest.... do you agree???
Siddharth Anand answers, My best is yet to come...:)
neal asked, why you alwys go with love storys..?why dont you try something to see something difrnt from director like ou..and yeah best luck for rocks
Siddharth Anand answers, I don't know...I am enjoying it at the moment though.
Joyce asked, You know sid.. You shud give out free tickets to the audience who log in and ask you the best question.. that touches you :)..
Siddharth Anand answers,That's a plan now.
Siddharth Anand answers, Please watch it first day!
Nikhil asked, Hi Sid, is there any special appearance in the movie
Siddharth Anand answers, Buy the ticket and be surprised.
Kalki asked, Hello Siddharth, Really cool of you to come and talk to us. Thanks
Siddharth Anand answers, The pleasure is all mine. Thanks for logging in even after seeing my name.
SouravShah asked, Have u written the script for AA? The story surely sounds interesting!Looks promising!
Siddharth Anand answers, The idea was my wife, Mamta's so all thanks to her.
trupti asked, hey sid??? r u here for chat or gone???
Siddharth Anand answers, Hi Trupti. My favourite actor and actress are Aamir Khan and Kajol. Thanks for making Fanaa guys!
'I think the Indian stars have taken the world over'
Image: A scene from Anjaana AnjaaniRG asked, what do you think will be the viewers ratings for AA?
Siddharth Anand answers,Keeping my fingers crossed. The best I hope :)
harshil asked, hii the movie seem too be rocking. it is too good.
Siddharth Anand answers, Thanks Harshil.
Urooj asked, Are foreigners are also crazy about our stars and crew members
Siddharth Anand answers, I think the Indian stars have taken the world over. So yes they are.
KyaBeKaisaHai asked, Hello! Will Sajid be furious over you if the movie is not a HIT? What are the plans for next movie. Your movies are technically bright, so why not helm an action movie with Ranbir in positive and Saif in negative?
Siddharth Anand answers,I will have to wait for Sajid's response. Will keep your suggestion in mind when I script my next.
hjk asked, Hi...Anjani anjani songs seems boaring to me.....Lets hope movie will be fresh
Siddharth Anand answers, I hope the movie lives up to your expectations.
Dhurjoti asked, all the best siddharth..alwys make such movies..made from
Siddharth Anand answers, Thanks Dhurjoti. Please watch Anjaana Anjaani.
das asked, Tell me honestly is before sunrise & before sunset is the inspiration behind ur movie? Expect a honest answer.
Siddharth Anand answers, Every movie I see becomes an 'inspiration'.
Ali asked, Hi Siddarth any future plans to do a Thriller or a action movie in the future
Siddharth Anand answers, If I can make the ghost run around trees and fire, guns...
red asked, Sangeet he also does not have sense of movies, its all COPYIED!!
Siddharth Anand answers, Finally somebody realised it.
Shax asked, Hi Sid....i watched the movie last is very good
Siddharth Anand answers, I'm talking about the original, not what its been inspired from. Guys seriously say no to piracy!
R asked, hay sid......make a film which make u blv it can be true.... like romeo and Juliet
Siddharth Anand answers, Like I said, my best is yet to come. So may be someday I can make Romeo Juliet.
KyaBeKaisaHai asked, Of all the movies you made, which one is closest to you? Mine is Tara rum pum as it was closer to life, choosing to save for future or become spendthrift and then rising from ashes like a phoenix.......Hope your enthusiasm to make better movies was not questioned and you'll continue making those. Also we are tired of watching tearjerkers, so congratulations on AA...promos really are killing!!!!!
Siddharth Anand answers, Thanks a ton. Your encouragement will keep me going.
Shax asked, I think dabang is better than your film
Siddharth Anand answers, I think Salman is a rock star. Can't wait to watch the film myself.
R asked, nice to see...the positive vibes....all the best
Siddharth Anand answers,:)
R asked, hay sid one more this film from yash ji camp...????
Siddharth Anand answers, Nadiadwala 'camp'.
Siddharth Anand says, September 24th, September 24th, September 24th, September 24th... remember the date. Please go get entertained. Remember, say no to piracy. Was really nice chatting with you guys.