Even though the plot is not extraordinary, the sheer canvas on which this movie is mounted and the VFX is worth the money, applauds Imad Baig.
Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is the final offering in the Star Wars series of movies.
J J Abrams is at the helm again. The Last Jedi, directed by Rian Johnson, did not go down well with Star Wars fans. Abrams brings back the same intention and mission in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker as he has done in the past. He has tried to answer questions that were raised after The Last Jedi.
Some of the action is well executed; there are strong performances throughout the film. The film turns interesting after the characters are introduced and their role in the plot is made clear.
The first hour goes in correcting what was done in The Last Jedi.
The film picks up pace after an excellent chase scene. The lightsaber and inter galactic space battles will thrill and satisfy fans.
We see fresh faces like Noami Ackie's Jannah, a badass who compliments John Boyega's character. The real test for Abrams is the inclusion of the late Carrie Fisher (General Leia Ordana) in the plot.
Abrams makes the best out of deleted scenes from previous movies although some scenes feel out of place. Fisher's character is shown to make a significant impact on the protagonist. Billy Dee Williams (Lando Calrissian) has great humour and adds a sense of light heartedness to the movie.
Abrams takes this opportunity to change Luke Skywalker's character and correct the mistakes that led to the downfall of previous episodes. The chemistry between Daisy Ridley (Ray), John Boyega (Finn) and Oscar Issacs (Poe Dameron) is great though they have limited screen time together.
Ridley's character is an integral part of the Star Wars saga. Issacs has been offered more screen time and is a well-defined character. Characters like C-3PO, Chewy and R2-D2 have been given prominence in this installment.
The main star of this movie is Adam Driver (Kylo) who steals the show with his charisma and stellar performance.
The fast paced movie takes you on a roller coaster ride and provides you with enough thrills to keep you at the edge of the seat, but it does not surprise you.
The plot is quite the usual -- victory of good over evil with a final battle that decides the pre-ordained fate of each of them.
J J Abrams has tried his best in appeasing diehard Star Wars fans by packing the movie with nostalgia.
All the actors have done well in taking the story forward.
Even though the movie is not extraordinary in terms of the story, the sheer canvas on which it is mounted and the VFX is worth the money.

Imad Baig is a mass media student and a Star Wars fan boy. This is his first movie review. He can be contacted at movies@rediff-inc.com