Saka Sakhi, directed by Dayal, is an aberration to good Kannada films hitting theatres recently. Apart from being a film of poor taste, it is a disappointment of sorts. The film is a remake of Dhanush starrer Tamil hit Tiruda Tirudi, which became a blockbuster mainly because of a foot-tapping song Manmatha Raja. The film was later remade in Telugu with Vishnu and Sada in the lead titled Donga Dongadi. It was not successful. However, the film had the popular song with the same tune and music, shot in the same place where Manmada Raja was shot.
Sakha Sakhi does not have this song as its tune and shooting style were already lifted for another Kannada film Kalasipalya. It became a big hit because of the popularity of the song.
Saka Sakhi is the story of two incorrigible, hot headed youngsters who wants to prove one up than the other. Siva is a wayward youngster from Mysore who is always being criticized by his father for being irresponsible. He
Unable to ride on the said song's popularity, Saka Sakhi sinks mainly because of poor narration and below-average direction. It seems the filmmaker only wants to focus on the sex appeal of the female artists. You can not expect anything better from someone who earlier made a boorish film Masala.
Chaya Singh in the lead is Saka Sakhi's only redeeming feature. Sunil Rao tries to look natural as a street smart boy, but his body language and emoting fail to satisfy.
An eminently forgettable film.