Kannada actor Diganth has been having back-to-back releases over the past month. This week's Kaanchaana adds to the list. Directed by Sriganesh, the film tells the story of a gang of friends who are out to make a quick buck.
Venky (Diganth) and his colleagues from his television station run a programme which involves making bakras out of people. Life is fun for the trio until one of them gets into financial trouble. This time the quick thinking Venky is also unable to devise a plan and it takes a gambler -- Kiran Sreenivas -- to bail them out...Or does his entry make it only worse?
The screeplay of the film suffers as characters and situations come and go even as you fail to comprehend them.
Humour bites the dust as Tabla Naani, Mitra,Tennis Krishna and Biradar fail to tickle your funny bones. Dialogues lack the punch and scenes are lame and outdated. While the editor could have been more liberal with his scissors, music, camera work and lighting do nothing to enhance the film.
What's more is that Kaanchaana fails to provide a good canvas for performance. This is one film that Diganth would like to forget as it adds nothing to the actor in him. His varried getups do nothing to impress nor do they add to the plot .
Kiran Sreenivas's character leaves him with little scope to exhibit his acting skills.
Leading lady Ragini has very little to do as well. Even the songs fail her. Special apperances by Aindrita Ray and Rangayana Raghu prove no point either.Ninasam Satish is a good actor but his character fails him. He is miscast as the Malayali.
This film is not worth your time or kaanchaana (money). It is a silly attempt at a heist film. It starts shabbily and remains so till the end.
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