On November 1, actor Swetha Menon attended the President’s Trophy Boat Race at Kollam. She looked happy during the function and even addressed the gathering.
Some hours later, she accused a prominent politician of molesting her in public during the function. Swetha claimed that she didn’t say anything then because she wanted the boat race to go on peacefully.
Initially she refused to speak to the media or name the concerned politician. The visuals from the event revealed that it was Kollam Member of Parliament, P N Peethambara
There were TV visuals of him interacting a bit too closely with her. Eventually, Swetha did give Kurup’s name to the police.
With the incident getting the usual sensational media coverage, Swetha decided to withdraw her complaint on the advice of her father and her guru. She said that Kurup’s apology was enough for her to withdraw the complaint.
Kurup made it clear that he had apologised as the organiser of the event and not on his own behalf.
There are strong rumours that Swetha was threatened into withdrawing her complaint-- a possible income tax raid was suggested. Some Congress leaders made this statement in public as well