Directed by Chakri Toleti, Billa 2 is produced by IN Entertainment (India) Limited together with Wide Angle Creations, the production house led by Suresh Balaje and George Pius.
Ajith is the hero and the villain is Vidyut Jamwal who scintillated as the bad guy in Force, the Hindi remake of Gautham Vasudev Menon's Kaakha
The character of the villain in Kaakha Kaakha was so powerful that Jeevan, who played the role, became a sensation soon after the film's release. He was flooded with offers to play the villain in several films but the actor wanted to be a hero and he soon faded away.
Similarly, Vidyut Jamwal was also noticed and won the Filmfare award for his performance in Force. He continues to play the villain in his next release Billa 2. He has also bagged the main villain's role in Murugadoss's next Tamil film.