Rishi Kapoor and his son Ranbir will finally come together in Abhinav Kashyap's Besharam but they will not be sharing any screen space in the film.Instead, Ranbir will play a deadly cat-and-mouse game with parents Rishi and Neetu Kapoor in the film."Ranbir is cast as an outlawed con-person operating in and around Delhi. Rishi and Neetu Kapoor play a couple of cops pursuing Ranbir's character all through the film. It's like Amitabh Bachchan's cop-character in Shaad Ali's Bunty Aur Babli, pursuing his son Abhishek, though they're not father and son in the film," says a source.The difference, we are told, is that the Bachchans came together for the blockbuster Kajra re number in Bunty Aur Babli. In Besharam, as the script stands, the Rishi-Neetu Kapoor pair never run in their son in the entire narrative. Ranbir is very clear that he will play his father's son only when he turns director for their home banner RK Films.
Incidentally, Ranbir is still working on Ayan Mukerjee's Yeh Jawani Hai Deewani, co-starring Deepika Padukone. According to a source, the film needs 20 more days of shooting even though it has already gone on the editing table.
Says the source, "Ayan has to shoot three songs with Ranbir and Deepika. Two will be shot in January, and one after that."