Lamba was detained at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Terminal in the morning by the Customs officials when he was passing through the green channel after he landed from an Emirates flight that arrived from London via Dubai. "Preliminary investigations have revealed that Lamba was carrying 13000 Pounds and electronic and luxury items, value of which amounts to lakhs.
Lamba is still in detention and being questioned at the airport, the officials said adding that further valuation of the goods is on. This is the third such incident in the past one month. Earlier actresses Bipasha Basu and Minissha Lamba were detained by the Customs for duty evasion.
While Bipasha was let off after she paid a penalty of Rs 13,000 for carrying accessories worth Rs 70,000, Minissha, who was carrying a diamond necklace in her purse had claimed that she forgot to declare the same.