Theatre owners in Mumbai had a reason to smile today with the release of Shah Rukh Khan's much-awaited Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi. Cinema halls that have been bearing a deserted look since the terror attack last month, came alive with audiences, especially college students, coming in to catch the King Khan's first release of 2008.
Review: Go watch Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi, starring Shah Rukh Khan and newcomer Anushka Sharma, is a love story offering SRK fans a glimpse of the actor in two distinct shades. Fans get to see him as an average-looking middle-class man as well as the typically filmi Raj.
Review: Rab don't make them like He used to
The opening was not good as is normally expected for a Yash Raj/SRK movie. SRK's films last year -- Om Shanti Om and Chak De! India -- enjoyed huge box office success and won critical acclaim. However, trade sources said the nearly three-hour long film has opened to average response and mixed reviews.
Showcasing Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi
"The all-India opening is expected to be 60-70 percent. Considering that this is a Yash Raj film, a 100 percent opening is expected, but that has not happened," said Kumar Mohan, editor of trade magazine Complete Cinema.
"Audiences, who saw the film today, have liked it and reports are good. We are confident that the movie will pick up during the week," a Cinemax spokesperson said, adding the film had got an opening of 55-60 percent.