The film has just begun its international run, and it is quite likely that audiences worldwide will now watch the American ending in which Keira Knightley and Matthew MacFadyen affirm their love for each other, clearly indicating that they are going to be happily married for a long, long time.
"Frankly, I made the ending specially for the American audiences," Joe Wright chuckled, as he told Rediff.com he was afraid Americans (and by extension Canadians) had a great appetite for romantic and happy endings. "They tell me in France that they add extra sugar to the champagne they import to America," he added.
He also said that during the first few days of the film showing in England, he had sneaked into several cinemas in London and other cities and had found audiences of all ages reacting positively to the film. He had no apologies for making a sugary ending for the American version, he said, but was very happy the way the British version ended.
The film, set in England in the late 18th century, studies the declining fortunes of a family

The decision to add the new ending to the British edition, which is now on some 500 screens, came as the film's fans began a campaign that the American version, which is eight minutes longer, be included on the eventual DVD release, according to The Guardian.
The reaction has been mixed in the UK. 'Oh God! Pride & Prejudice is to be re-released in Britain with the cheesy extra ending," complained the British publication Entertainment-Wise, "that was filmed especially for those cringe loving Yanks."
The film was in a limited run in America for two weeks in some 221 theaters, grossing an impressive $7.2 million. Now, it is playing in about 1100 theaters and is expected to be among the top 7 films of the week, jumping three positions from its previous posting. It is also expected to gross major Golden Globe and a handful of Oscar nominations, especially for the incandescent Keira Knightley portraying the free spirited daughter.