Madhuri Dixit, who has captivated viewers for many years, has no plans to act in a film as yet. A section of the media had reported that Yash Chopra wanted to direct the actress in his next film. But a spokesperson from the banner claimed that the reports were baseless.
Madhuri's business manager Rakeshnath alias Rikku also said that the actress was leaving for her home in the US in a week's time, and is not planning to take up any movies.
The reports coincided with Madhuri's visit to India to receive the Padmashri award for her contribution to Indian cinema.
Except for attending the premiere of Jimmy -- which marked the debut of Mithun Chakraborty's son Mimoh -- and receiving the Padmashri in Delhi at the hands of President Pratibha Patil, Madhuri is spending her time visiting family and friends, Rikku said.
The actress, who married US-based doctor Sriram Nene in 1999, made a comeback after six years in Yash Raj's Aaja Nachle last year. However, the film did not do well.