Golden star Ganesh as he is called in the Kannada film industry arrived with Mungaru Male. With successive blockbusters like Hudugaata, Cheluvina Chiththaara, Chellaata and Galipata, there was no stopping the star. Eight of his films ran for hundred days! His latest release is Sangama.
So it was a treat for his fans when they got a 'golden' chance to chat with the star during a Rediff chat. For those who missed the chat, here's what transpired. Ganesh says, HI everyone Ganesh here. I am here to answer your questions.
ravin asked, Golden star Ganesh sir .. nimm hindina ella film gallu chenagii bandide .. neevu inu vebhinna paathragallali abhinayas bekkku .. haaage nimma athii dodda fans club Golden star Ganesh fan club
Ganesh answers, Thank you very much. Naanu kuda nimmelera dodda fan.
mah asked, are you planing to Hindi movies
Ganesh answers, I have not decided as yet. I am busy entertaining all of you.
Ganesh answers, During the second half of January.
nijvagluganeshaa asked, sir.. i have a very serious and good suggestion.. Please start a blog, where in we can interact with u and also you can even start topics.. it will be good.. :)
Ganesh answers, I will consider your suggestion, thanks a lot.
thiru asked, I like the way your movies are shot sir ,its shows how rich our karnataka is ,but after seeing in the movies ,tourists increase and dirty the nature with palstic and paper ,please tell your fans to respect nature and clean up once they leave ,Kodachadri was so clean i heard until it was shown in gaalipata now all the tourits have dirtied it can we do something about this please ?
Ganesh answers, I appreciate your concern. I will certainly advise all on this.
Ajax asked, namaskara Goldy avarige... naanu nimma doDDa fanu,,,, m waiting for Circus.... Sangama was good..... but one serious/honest question... Sangama was good.. aadhre,, adhralli script was OK.... plz volle scripts naa accept maaDi
Ganesh answers, Sangama is an entertainer. Watch all my movies. I assure you that it will be entertaining.
sai asked, Hi Ganesh .. Thanks for the good movies
Ganesh answers, You are most welcome.
yesudas asked, what is your next movie in kannada. I enjoy your movies
Ganesh answers, Circus and Ullasa Uthsaha.
ntg asked, don't you think u marrying so early has effected your female fan following ? it was a risky decision allla ?
Ganesh answers, I don't think so. My female fan base is increasing.
anilmrk asked, if god come ask you to request for 5 wishes..what you will ask?
Ganesh answers, Terrorism-free life, world peace, good environment, education for all children, dil maange more hits for my films.
anilmr asked, You and Amulay pair rocks in Cheluvina chittara ,when can we expect you next movie with Amulya?
Ganesh answers, As soon as possible. Once I get a good script.
kumarswamy asked, hi ganesh how r u? I liked your Mungaru Male it has good locations and dialogues
Ganesh answers, Thanks.
Dhari2 asked, I feel only Mungaru maley deserved more than 100 Days of screening... wats ur take??
Ganesh answers, It is God's grace and I owe all my sucess to him and my fans.
sydneyfan asked, Hi Ganesh, chennagiddeera? greetings from Sydney..I brought a dvd of Mungaru Male to Sydney and watched it here,loved it, my friends loved it, goodluck, keep smiling and keep giving hits after wishes
Ganesh answers, Thanks a lot. When I come to Sydney I will try and meet you.
ravkumarn asked, Ganesh Sir nimma blog inna avashyakathe tumba ide ... ella fans gallu nimmage tumba suggest madbekku antha idare .. adukke neevu swalpa avakasha madi kodabekendo vinnanthi ..
Ganesh answers, I will start a blog soon and you can post your suggestions there.
PANDUu asked, Hai Ganesh ........ Planning to do double roles villain and a cop in future
Ganesh answers, I don't know about cop or villain but a double role is on the anvil.
SunilRathod asked, Hi Ganesh Nimma movieNalli songs yella ondeThara barta idawalla Yake?
Ganesh answers, Janagalige yavadu ishta ide adane maadabekaguthade.
pavan asked, hi ganesh,why dont you try some offbeat realistic films closer to common man rather than doing patho roles or romantic roles i think you will be a great hit in offbeat films also
Ganesh answers, If a good script comes along I will do it.
krishkiran asked, Hi Ganesh, How are you. Hope you are good and enjoying your life in terms of movies and your family life also.. After mungaru male, expectations of people on you have increased, be selective and select good scripts...flops at this stage of your life is very bad. I am sure you are aware of these things. Its just my concern for you. Anyway, can you tell me about your latest ventures and what are your long term plans and goals.... I feel you should aim very high and also plan to construct a big theatre for movies and should run only kannada movies at subsidised prices :)....take care and lots of good wishes to you...
Ganesh answers, Thanks a lot.
Anilshushma asked, what is your hobbies other than acting in movies?
Ganesh answers, Watching movies.
Sathish asked, Endri adu CIRCUS story problem ....???!!!!!
Ganesh answers, Lifee ondu Circus.
sud_007 asked, U are in this successfull position today because of ur hardwork and "Never say die attitude" Right ? Whats ur advice to all youngesters ?
Ganesh answers, The answer is in your question.
Karunesh asked, Please always stick on to lover boy sort of look cool in those. My child like your movies to watch...
Ganesh answers, Thanks a lot.
Sathish asked, How is Kannada Film Industry/especially your films are doing business in this Global financial meltdown???
Ganesh answers, It is a wonderful industry and good films will do well even if there is a meltdown.
SMohan asked, Dear Mr.Golden Ganesh, This is Mohan from Chennai. I read from rediff that all the eight films have crossed more than 100 days. Congratulations!!!!!!. You are remembering the one south india hero of yester year Mr.Mohan(Mike mohan)where in he has around 15 films crossing silver jubliee. All the very best for the future. Regards, S.Mohan
Ganesh answers, Thanks a lot. It is thanks to fans like you.
sureshs asked, hi Ganesh how is sangama?
Ganesh answers, It is doing well.
ravkumarn asked, Ganesh Sir, Neevu nimma film na hege choose madtheera ?? dayavittu thilisii
Ganesh answers, Script nodi choose maduthene.
hariomharish asked, Hi, Ganesh, Kannada Rajyothsavada Shubhashayagalu. Neevu matthu Sahasa Simha Vishnuji project , yelliyavarege banthu? I am eagerly waiting for that movie, Giv me good news !!!
Ganesh answers, Nimagu Rajyothsavada subashayagalu. I am waiting for a good script.
sivananda asked, ur acting is superb man but we need som changes in the character we want to see a different ganesh wen it is possible
Ganesh answers, Shortly. In future you will see different characterisations.
Shekarappa asked, Hi Ganesh, are you satisfied with the results of Bombat and Sangama?
Ganesh answers, Dil maange more. For your information Sangama is doing very well now.
jagadeesh asked, Hi Ganesh, Which movies are you working now ??
Ganesh answers, Circus and Ullasa Uthsaha.
alpha78 asked, hi ganesh...are you really from karnataka. you look like a manipuri or nepali
Ganesh answers, I am a Kannadiga and I am proud to be one.
hiiiii asked, Namaskara Namaskara Namaskara ,,, Tumba khushi aagta idde nimm jote chat maadokke ! U have set a right example Ganesh, " where there is will there is a Way " ! All The Best ,, Keep rocking --Ranga
Ganesh answers, Thanks tumba kushi aayithu.

DrRajFan asked, rose from rags to riches. You are an inspiration for many kannadigaas.
Ganesh answers, Thank you.
GaneshAbhimaani asked, Ganesh.. nandhu inondhu small request.. Please kannada ondhu film aannu OSCAR fest ge hog thara maadi.. as a kannadiga.. i would like to see that :)
Ganesh answers, Adu nanna niranthara prayathna.
Ganesh-Nadar asked, You would prefer working with Himmesh Reshamiyya or Akshay Kumar if you are offered a Hindi movie?
Ganesh answers, I am happy with Kannada films.
Ravindra asked, Hi, Pls try Our kannidagas for play back singing in your films...Many good singers are there waiting for oppurtunities
Ganesh answers, Many kannada singers have rendered playback in my films.
Sushma asked, Hi Ganesh..I'm a great fan of yours. I have yet (unfortunately) watched only 2 films of yours - gaalipata and mungaaru male - and both are terrific. I LOVED your performance in Gaalipata especially. Wishing you a happy married life and phenomenal successes ahead. Love, Sushma
Ganesh answers, Thanks a lot Sushma.
Ganesh answers, Thanks I wil open it and check right away.
ravkumarn asked, Ganesh Sir.. nimmage dream role antha yenadru idya .. adra baage helli ..
Ganesh answers, All the roles that I do are my dream roles.
Ganesh answers, I watched the video and it really moved me. My blessings will always be there for Kusum. Advanced birthday wishes for Kusum.
nlgirish asked, hello Ganesh, can we expect a movie similar to Mungaru male again in future with those natural sceneries and good songs?
Ganesh answers, Let us hope for the best. Sure, you can expect.
rohit369 asked, Hi Ganesh, what are your upcoming movies? I also heard that you are producing a movies. Can you please tell us about that?
Ganesh answers, I shall disclose it at the right time.
subs74 asked, Will you be directing films in the future
Ganesh answers, No plans as yet.
mukesh asked, hi Ganesh hw r u... i am Mukesh frm Mangalore.. u were amazing in sangama... ur latest movie... god bless u... aall the best for u r future...
Ganesh answers, Thank you.
paddi asked, Please select good stories and why don't you encourage young & upcoming script writers?
Ganesh answers, I am doing that.
Mal asked, Before your Mungaru Male movie, my colleague from other states were not respecting Kannada movies. Nowdays, they ask Kannada songs and watch Kannada movies. hats of to you, Batt and Kakini.
Ganesh answers, Thank you very much. I will do more such movies in future.
Ganesh answers, Thank you Vani.
vijayakumar asked, hi ganesh your are always looking cool tell me the secret
Ganesh answers, Thank you. Being positive.
punithbm asked, Hi Ganesh in Circus Movie what role u playing?????
Ganesh answers, I play a next door boy.
ajayg asked, Hi,, Ganesh,,,, m a deadly fan of yours,,, i enjoyed all your movies,,,, U SIMPLY ROCK in all movies,, all the best waiting for CIRCUS!!!
Ganesh answers, Thanks a lot.
sultan_bhatt asked, All films you have worked for, are typical commercial films. Have you ever wished to act in any Art Film.
Ganesh answers, I will act in an art film soon.
rameshchandra asked, Hi, Ganesh, Please don't sign all movies you get proper content in it. You are a wonderful actor and only you need is choosing good directors like how bollywood actor choose
Ganesh answers, Thanks.
maddy asked, Hey Ganesh,Just saw your Mungaaru Male...Its really good movie...even i do not know much Kannada(Being North Indian) then too enjoyed it....and fall in love with Kannada....What you will suggest to enter in Kannada Film & Acting industry...any Good Institute in Bangalore? Will appriciate your Guidline.....
Ganesh answers, I am really touched by your comments.
maddy asked, Hey Ganesh,Just saw your Mungaaru Male...Its really good movie...even i do not know much Kannada(Being North Indian) then too enjoyed it....and fall in love with Kannada....What you will suggest to enter in Kannada Film & Acting industry...any Good Institute in Bangalore? Will appriciate your Guidline.....
Ganesh answers, Acting is a natural instinct.
varun4080 asked, where do u see the kanadda films in future
Ganesh answers, Only in forward direction.
Huchcha asked, Hi Ganesh. Sudeep entered hindi movie industry with RGV with phoonk and is making another one called Rann. You got any plans to enter hindi filmdom
Ganesh answers, I plan to stick to Kannada films.
srinu_naidur asked, what is your favort hero name
Ganesh answers, Ganesh.
Kalp asked, Hi, how abt a different hair style?
Ganesh answers, It would depend on the role. In Circus I sport a different hairstyle in some scenes.
Vaijanath asked, Hi Ganesh, This is Vaijanath.I Kolar Srinivas and Balavalli Manju used to stay in JP nagar (Shardanagar) and you used to visit our room and stay with us sometimes. Do you remember us and all your old friends now that you have become a GOLDEN STAR ? Are you not answering this because you are finding difficult to remember us ? Anyways as a old friend all the best for your future.
Ganesh answers, Of course, I remember all of you. Thanks a lot for your concern. God Bless.
ajayg asked, Circus songs yaavaga release??
Ganesh answers, On December 5.
Praveen_s asked, Hi Ganesh! How are you? I like your charm in the movies. Infact you carry around yourself very well. Please maintain the dignity and dont deject your fans by changing your attitude after success. All the best
Ganesh answers, My attitude remains the same. I am still a simple straight forward person.
Ganesh answers, I am fine. Thank you. I am happy that I have some good fans like you in Rajkot.
sangama asked, Hi Ganesh sir I'm pruthvi shindhe Your fan sir your film sangama and gaalipata movie is beutifull sir .Wish you Marige life.
Ganesh answers, Thank you very much. I also wish you the best.
brunda asked, how is your wife
Ganesh answers, She is fine.
SwapnaS asked, Ganeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh....plz answer...Hi Ganesh! I am from Chennai and settled in Bangalore. Recently, I saw Sankama and Vamsi with my Kannada friends and really enjoyed both. I was told earlier that Kannada films were not good. But now I know that Kannada movies are rocking. By the way, I think Puneeth and you should act together. What do you think? Also, why not act in a Tamil Movie? You are welcome!!!
Ganesh answers, Thank you. I am looking forward to good opportunities.
ajayg asked, Hi,, Ganesh,,,, m a deadly fan of yours,,, i enjoyed all your movies,,,, U SIMPLY ROCK in all movies,, all the best waiting for CIRCUS!!!
Ganesh answers, I am sure that you will equally love Circus when it gets released.
raj123 asked, i like your movie but tell me is success all luck or you work hard, what do you do to be on top of your game.
Ganesh answers, Success is the result of hard work and passion
Ganesh says, It was really nice chatting with all of you. Watch more Kannada movies and bless me for even greater achievements and sucess. Thanks a lot again. Bye Bye.