Fans of author Chetan Bhagat got a chance to discuss his bestsellers like Five Point Someone, One Night @ A Call Centre and The 3 Mistakes of My Life during a chat on Wednesday.
He especially spoke about the movie adaptation of his second book called Hello, directed by Atul Agnihotri and starring Sharman Joshi, Gul Panag, Sohail Khan, Amrita Arora and Isha Koppikar.
For those who missed the chat, here's what the author chatted about:
Also Read: Why Sharman, Gul make Hello look good
Chetan Bhagat says, I am here.
Venu Vedam asked, Hi Chetan, Have read all your books. The best of the lot is Five Point Someone. A feedback: All your stories start in a very interesting manner but the middle portion kind of drags - again picking up momentum towards the end. Thank you for pricing your books aggressively.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Thanks Vedam, will try to be more gripping. And yes, fight a lot with publisher to keep prices down.
Kalpesh asked, Hello Chetan, this is Kalpesh Patel from London, I read your latest book 3 Mistakes.... It took me to my past alot similar to the one Govind had...... I enjoyed this book most so as all Gujarati's who will read it.... I would like to thank you very very much for presenting GUJARATI culture in TRUE and Correct way.... sunshine asked, I am eagerly waiting for the movie to release surely wud go and watch them jeetendra asked, Hi Chetan, How are you? Greetings from New Zealand. iyerma asked, hi chetan, you should be happy to know that i am recently blessed with twin boys.. i understand you are also having twin baby boys sumi asked, hi chetan hi chetan i hv read all ur buks....n they r awesome i wan a knw......wts next??......n when v cn read ur next buk??? all the best....god bless rajin asked, hi chetan,have read all ur 3 books n i like ur style of narrating and v can actually live those characters and visualise the happenings. though 5 point and one nite.. are the best, i wudnt say the same abt 3 mistakes...:(((. it wont count in the league. n m bit partial towards 1 nite @..!!! wat ru contemplating next?? i like the sex angle tat u input in ur books, to titilliate the youngies ( n increase the sales...!!!) pointfive asked, chetan..r u friends with salman? how was it working with this great actor? why didn't salman promote the movie??
indian asked, Hi chetan are u making a guest appearance in the movie "hello"?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Hi, I'm not in the movie. But you will see me all over, as all the lines are very, as they say, Chetanish.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Thank you, Kalpesh. It means a lot to me when Gujratis like 3 Mistakes!
Chetan Bhagat answers, Thanks, Sunshine.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Wow NZ! I spent my honeymoon there.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Congrats, Iyerma. Twins are great fun but a lot of work too.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Hi there. Thanks. Work on my next book begins after Hello!
Chetan Bhagat answers, Thanks, Rajin. The sex angle is part of our life. But it is not to titilate as porn is already there on the Net anyway. So how do you compete with that?
Nash asked, Hie chetan , You are truly an immensely gifted writer as your Three books were insipiring and good reads. The smooth and easy flow of language combined with the engrossing content makes all ur books a must read . Being a young poetist and a writer of 15 years myself i want to thank u chetan for giving all of us the 3 books which are excellent and a must have in every book lovers collection. you are my icon and i look up to ur books while writing . Here is wishing you more success and i hopeu continue to lead india with your great books.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Thanks so much. I am touched, Nash. By the way, all guys/girls, what's the buzz on Hello?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Pointfive, Salman and I always had great conversations, but I am not a close friend. We both have very busy lives.
sachin asked, hi Chetan, Why do ur girls in novels lose virginity by 18 years.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Well, Priyanka didn't. She waited a bit more!
Rohith asked, Hi Chetan. I've read all three of ur novels unlimited no of times.......personally which one is your favourite of the three??
Chetan Bhagat answers, I like 3 Mistakes the best as the scope was the widest. But First Point Someone is the people's favourite. Oh well, love them all!
nikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk asked, hey chetan please give some tips for CAT....and also how much percentile did u get in CAT it must be 99 or more na
Chetan Bhagat answers, Study, study and study. When I took CAT, they did not disclose the percentage.
amit@callcenter asked, HI chetan what will be your next book,was 3 mistakes based on true story or it was a fiction,if it was true i would like to know where is brilliant ALi now theses days Shivam asked, I need to ask you - how can I contact you. I have tried your web sites feedback form several times and tried contacting the number on your web site (relationship manager - some lady) her number doesnt seem to exist. We (Students at Nirma University, Ahmedabad) wanted to invite for you a program we had set up last month, but were unable to get to you. Is there any suggested means to contact you or someone who we can work with? By the way honestly I have NEVER read your books (sorry) but a lot of other guys & gals have and they look up to you as a "youth generation" super star. :) rismi asked, The movie 'Hello' is about to relese. What are your expectation from that. Do you think it would b a Hit as ur novel? Kalpesh asked, Chetan do you consider translating your books in Hindi or Regional Language so that larger section of people could enjoy it ?? I think this will work as an eye opener for Lot of score crazy parents, other larger section of audience who don't take on English novels easily. As you have prtrayed the the scare of Maths MOST students ahve I have seen similar scare for English so this will increase your FAN base as well.......... aditi asked, this is a favour - will you name your next heroine aditi? i really really want you to.. i am a big fan.. SridharC asked, Hi Chetan, I liked all your three books and have my own pecking order. Which one among the three do you rate as your best? Priyadarshini asked, Hey u live in Mumbai now?? Shivam asked, Oh by the way since I asked...A friend next to me asked me to ask you (Love the way these grape vines go)... how can "she" get hold of an autographed copy :). Roamer asked, Chetan, Dont you think it was a little far fetched for a person committing suicide to think of YOU as the person he wanted to talk to last .. not his GF, not his family, nor frnds, but YOU -- who he never met once. Shades of megalomania someone!! (Dont answer this if it embarasses you):) kalyanii asked, are you going to include this chat session in your next book also? dgreat asked, hello Chetan how r u? how much time it takes u to write a book ? and do u have any plans to enter in bollywood ? fan asked, this is my third question - any plans oto visit dubai? Jwala asked, Chetan, Did you ever compere Music night in Convo Hall?
Vallabh asked, "HELLO" Mr. Bhagat, This is a real good opportunity to chat with you given by i read all your three books but the book which made me feel that it is written on my story was that of "five point someone". i wanna ask you one question that why does omi dies at the end part? we could have shown him alive and altogether a different person after that incident. iam not saying to go in depth but still it could have been more interesting than the real ending.
vivek123singh asked, hi chetan what you enjoy more writing book or your job as investment banker? kalyaniii asked, dont you think your life has someway related to the new movie "rockon" wherein an investment banker goes back 2 his desire, of a BAND Nash asked, Hie chetan , The hype of hello is really great. Many millions of people have already read the book and they are welcoming the idea of making it into a film very well . I have brought the tickets already and i hope chetan ji this film is a super duper hitttt[:)] Hemant asked, Hi Chetan ... wht abt making of The Three mistakes ... Roamer asked, Chetan, The Hello movie looks to be a complete masala potboiler.. Is it in line with what you had in mind with yr "one night at callcenter"? Asking you now, so you can commit to it before looking at how the box office reacts to it... LOL :)
Chetan Bhagat answers, It was partly based on real people. I can't tell you who/where they are as I don't want the media to hound them.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Shivam, please do read the book. My press kit section on the site has contact details for events.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Rismi, Hi, I have seen Hello and we did trials and people are loving it. I am very hopeful of a hit.
kv asked, Hi Chetan. Why dont you venture into writing something different? All your novels are based on similar kind of characters... a sarcastic good for nothing hero... a bubbly heroine and bunch of erratic friends.. It has become regular. ..very much like Jeffry Archer who writes his books on similar theme...
Chetan Bhagat answers, Hi KV, point noted. Will change the format in my next book. By the way, Jeffery Archer is great!
Chetan Bhagat answers, Kalpesh, very important book comes in regional languages and it has. Also a movie with Salman in it will ensure it reaches all Indians.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Aditi, I love your name but you already have an awesome song on you. Don't be greedy, no?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Hi Sridhar, all are my babies. How to choose?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Yes, priyadarshini, near Colaba.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Well there are many contests on the radio now where I signed hundreds of books as prizes.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Roamer, I have received such mails. You would be surprised how much people share things with me.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Kalyanii, that's not a bad idea. We should do something dramatic though.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Dgreat, 1.5 years to write a book and already I have entered Bollywood, no?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Fan, heard lots about Dubai. I should be there soon. Keep checking my blog
Chetan Bhagat answers, Hi Jwala, yes I did, ages ago.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Vallabh, I wanted to show riots have consequences. So Omi had to die. Thanks for loving my books.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Vivek, take a wild guess!
amit123 asked, Hi Chetan Last month i went to Big Bazaar and bought your book "3 mistakes ...,, Till that time i never knew who you were ??? Let me tell you the book was great,,, when is your 4th book goin to publish and any details about the book. Take Care Amit.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Hi Amit, I'm very busy with Hello's release. After that I have to finish a script and then Book 4. I don't want to share any details on Book 4. Suspense is an author's biggest weapon.
Chetan Bhagat answers, hi kalyanii - guess so. tho farhan had an amazing house in rock on. not all bankers do.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Thanks Nash, yes, the advance bookings just opened and we're getting a terrific response. Trial shows were held on Tuesday and people loved the film. God bless. Pray for Hello.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Hemant, there are many offers for 3 Mistakes but I have not finalised anything yet. Waitng for Hello to release.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Roamer, Hello is a masala film with soul. I loved it, really and am telling you this before it's release. asked, chetan how would you define life in one word.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Interesting.
pointfive asked, chetan, i have never seen u. one doubt..who has more hair..u or atil agnihotri???
Chetan Bhagat answers, Pt5, I have more hair. Atul has none!
kalyaniii asked, one last q, i am not greedy that you have 2 answer al my questions, but how can you actually sink in the sudden fan following (earlier i guess you should have) but to this extent ??
Chetan Bhagat answers, I treat it as God's gift. I have to dedicate my life to improving my readers/audience/fan's lives.
naresh1 asked, Mr.Chetan please let me know can I go to see this movie(Hello) with my family?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Yes Naresh, Hello is a family film. There is an intimate scene, but it's cute and funny more than anything else. Censors have cleared it.
Lakshman asked, In night@callcenter, Why did you make the character Radhika's seperation plan without any STRONG reason?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Lakshman, Radhika was treated horribly. You think that's not reason enough?
sajk99 asked, can u take criticism for ur books?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Sajk99, I have to, no choice :(
Chetan Bhagat answers, Snani, No man. I can't even figure out sometimes if its a guy or girl. You are a guy, right?
paras asked, I have read only one english novel book in my life i.e. Five Point Someone.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Paras, read more, not just mine but other good authors too.
paras asked, Brand IIT IIM helps you in marketing ur books ?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Paras, not anymore. I have Salman now!
Ryan Vroom asked, Hi Chetan, How much percentage of 5 point someone is real life and how much fiction ? my guess 60% - real, 40% fiction.
Chetan Bhagat answers, Rv, I'd say 70% real events and 100% real feelings.
vins asked, Hi Chetan, this is Vinay....I just want to know how can u write in such a appealing manner. Most intresting thing is you present author as one of the characters thts really diffrent. Whr frm u get this idea
Chetan Bhagat answers, Thanks Vins. Ideas just come to me. The story gets downloaded I guess.
mohit asked, hey chetan don't you think mentioning about god and writing about God calling someone is quite "unbelievable" thing.... i mean thr r so many people who do not believe in the existence of god.... So didn't this fact scare u b4 writin the book??
Chetan Bhagat answers, Mohit, yes some people don't believe in God. But a lot more do!
sDH asked, Chetan whats your take on LOVe
Chetan Bhagat answers, Sdh, love is the hardest to find!
Chetan Bhagat answers, Not revealing anything on Book4 yet. And no banking book either.
vishal_nitr asked, he is not answering difficult questions
Chetan Bhagat answers, Hey, all questions are so difficult. What to do? Can't do them all.
sg asked, hardly a day passes when i dont see someone reading 3 mistakes in Delhi metro - will this book change the reading habits of Indian middle class? & why r u usually seen in that round neck yellow t-shirt
Chetan Bhagat answers, Thanks Sg. Yes, I want to reach as many indians in my lifetime. And the yellow t-shirt is the Hello t-shirt. Atul asked me to wear it and it's kind of nice.
dulip asked, if you r given the right to choose the principal characters in three mistakes when it is remade as a bollywood movie, which actor and actress would play those parts
Chetan Bhagat answers, Dulip, it's hard to say. There are so many choices now. But younger ones of today are great.
riken asked, hi.Chetan ..IIT or IIM which one is best as a culture?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Riken, I liked IIT better!
RyanAlokHari asked, from five point... which is your favorite character & why?
Chetan Bhagat answers, Hi, Hari is my favourite as that's me!
Chetan Bhagat says, By the way, guys I have to go now as that's all we have time for. Hoping to see you all in a theatre near you coz you have a date with me in HELLO. Love you, love you, love you, love you, stay good, work hard, never be arrogant and don't be serious. Just be sincere.
Photographs: Nithya Ramani