The Mumbai police said at least six producers and television anchors are on the terrorists' hit list for making films and programmes on terrorism.
Joint Commissioner of Police Sridhar Vagal confirmed intelligence reports, which includes personalities like director Mani Ratnam, television anchor Shekhar Suman and producer Ujjal Chattopadhyay (director of Escape From Taliban), as being under threat.
Terrorist outfit Lashkar-e-Tayiba is believed to be gunning for Ratnam, whose film Roja portrayed terrorist groups misguiding innocent youth and leading them to their deaths.
The film folk were given security after it was learnt that a mission against Bollywood was being undertaken by Riyadh-based terrorist Abu Hamza, who is wanted by the Indian government in connection with several acts of terrorism.
Actress Manisha Koirala and Ratnam were given police protection after they received threats when Bombay, made on the 1992-93 communal riots, was released.