The film industry heaved a sigh of relief as Bollywood's busiest icon stepped out of his residence for a song recording for Ravi Chopra's Babul. Amitabh's first professional outing since his illness, the song was for music director and close friend Aadesh Shrivastava, at his new studio AV Sound.
"It happened so suddenly," says Aadesh. On February 18, I inaugurated my new recording studio. I would have liked nothing better than to start with Dada (Bachchan)'s recording, but wasn't sure he would be able to make it. By evening, I was told he was on. We recorded a hip-hip number written by Sameer called Come On Come On Chalo Jashn Manaye from 11.30 pm to 2
Aadesh has got Amitabh to record several songs for him in the past. "We first did a song in Major Saab. Since then, I have become part of his world. If I had my way, I would have him sing all the songs I compose for his films. I intend to make him sing at least three songs in Babul."
The Big B recorded another song for the film on Monday night. "It was a sad song," reveals Aadesh. "I feel doubly blessed that Dada should have returned to work after his illness with two songs for me. It makes me feel very privileged. He always underestimates his singing. He wants us all to believe he cannot sing, but the fact is he can give expressions in a song that others cannot think of."