He's currently the biggest heartthrob in Bollywood. After years of waiting, Abhishek Bachchan's time has come. With his latest, Bluffmaster, doing well in the US, 2006 appears to have begun well. Excerpts from a conversation:
What was the biggest high of the year?
Dad's performance in Black. That was undoubtedly the biggest high for me. I wouldn't single out any of my own performances because none were anywhere near his.
Bluffmaster: A timepass blast!
What about your own films?
All of them have made me happy. And I'm proud of all of them. At the end of the year, I was happy to know that the first week's collections of Bluffmaster in the US was 160,000 dollars. In the second week, collections went up by almost 60,000 dollars, which is practically unheard of!
How do you explain it?
I don't know. Maybe they just liked the film. I certainly did. I'm fond of all my films.
Abhishek scores in North America
Elle magazine has chosen you as the most stylish person of the year...
It's very humbling
Do you think you're stylish?
No. I have to thank all the people who work behind the scenes to create that illusion. A special thanks must go to my personal stylist Falguni Thakore and Abu Jani-Sandeep Khosla. These are the people who do most of my
'It's ridiculous to even try and remake Sholay'
You have suddenly, over the past year, become a pin-up favourite.
How do I explain it? I don't even try. Aditya Chopra once told me that the audience seldom decides to like someone. No point in questioning it. Just be thankful and work extra-hard to keep their faith intact. I'll try my best.
Also, CNN has designated you Entertainer of the Year...
I am thoroughly flattered. I don't agree with that at all.
It could have had something to do with the variety of roles you did in 2005?
No, they're just being kind. I think there are artistes out there who have done far better work than I have during the year. I don't think I'm the most entertaining actor or the most stylish person. But, like I said, there's no point in analysing these things. I'm trying to improve myself. Because I know there are people who are far more stylish and entertaining.
Chatting with the real bluffmaster
What are you looking forward to in 2006?
Quite a lot of things. But mainly I want to do more exciting work. I'll continue to work hard and leave the rest to God and the audience.
How is it going with J P Dutta and Umrao Jaan in Jaipur?
It's wonderful to get back in front of JPsaab's camera. It's like coming home. Shooting for this film is a great deal of fun.
And Aishwarya?
She's a thorough professional. So am I.
Priyanka Chopra on Bluffmaster