Replying to the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena supremo Raj Thackeray's remarks against him, Amitabh Bachchan has stated that India is a free country and everyone has the right to live wherever they please.
This is the first time Bachchan has reacted in public against Thackeray ever since the latter targetted him for being more loyal to his hometown, Uttar Pradesh, rather than Maharashtra, where he has been residing for more than 40 years.
Bachchan's statement came a day after a hoarding -- erected at Mumbai's North Central area of Shivaji Park by Thackeray's followers -- made fun of the actor and called him 'Superstar Shetkari.' (farmer)
The hoarding also mentioned that Bachchan, who had donated his Lonavala land to farmers displaced due to the construction of a dam, was demanding the land back, a move that Bachchan had made only the day before.
Photograph: Pradeep Bandekar