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'I didn't see cars until I was 13'
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February 15, 2006 15:53 IST

Lama Tashi gives an autographed picture of himself at the GrammiesGrammy Nominee Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu visited the office in New Delhi [Images] to chat with our readers about his nomination, his life and his album.

For those who missed the interesting chat, here's the transcript.

A monk and a Grammy nominee

Aansh : What inspired you to singing
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Well we call it Chanting. The monastery Drepung Loseling in Karnataka, we chant in a unique style called Dzokey which is know as multi-phonic chants in west. I was moved by the style so I practice it.

shovan : I am very for you and as an Indian that you have been nominated, As i belong same state where from you are. which village do you belong from west kameng distric, As i am bomdila and working in south korea.
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Thanks! I am from Thembang Village 47 km from Bomdila

U2 sweep Grammies 2006

Aansh : How did you feel when you were nominated for Grammy's
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : I found it was a great surprise and felt that my works on Traditional chants has been recognized by the world

s : Q-2 How was it to be at the Grammy awards ?
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : It was an experience which I have never thought of. It was completely different where I am

ARRahman : Lama Tashi......u r from which country india or.....?
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : I am from India, Monpa tribe from Arunachal Pradesh

Prem Prakash : Say somthing about your chlidhood.
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : I was born in a very remote village and haven't seen the cars till I was 13. However it was very peaceful place to live. And if you go there you may still find you are in 18th century. haha

Anita : Dear Sir,Though i havent heard your music i hv heard frm frnds that its really peaceful do u intend to spread peace by your music to the world in that case I think I should be the 1st 1 to get your cd
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : It is aimed for carying the message of peace and harmony. I hope you will like it and you may find it really peaceful one.

s : Say us something about yourself
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : you can go to to find out about me. Note: I haven't updated it for quite long

nali : Are you disappointed that you missed the Grammy
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : No not at all. Nomination itself is more than I was expecting and moreover the experience of meeting so many great musicians and singers and artists of international repute.

DJ : oh my gosh so r you indian
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Yes. I am Indian

aryan : Lama Tashi....what is the difference between good music and meditation? If soft music alone has a pleasing effect on mind....then how come people listen to rock music that r often noisy? I fail to understand the corollary although I'm an adrent admirer of meditational music? Put some light into it....
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Well many musics can help you calm down yourself however for deep meditaion its more to do independantly I mean without depending on music. And yes noisy music will not help for meditation. But everyone has their own choice and preference.

aashish : What do u think about going for concerts world over, now that you will be well recognized?
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Well I was on tour several times with the group of monks and performed with many well known musicians. It won't be any thing new to me.

merock : Dear Lama Tashi. If I want to give up everything and go to a monastery and stay, will the monastery accept me? But I am not a religious person
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Different Monastery has different disciplnes so if you are lucky to find one of your choice

nali : How many years did it take you to perfect the chanting?
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : I started practicing at the age of 16 and may be till 30s to perfect it.

Anandkumar : Have you travelled lots of places outside India? How do u find the people and culture over there compared to India
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : India has multi-culture and most of them based on religion so you may say well cultivated culture so I would say India has one of the best culture in the world

Anandkumar : How do you feel? When China is claiming part of Arunachal Pradesh as theirs? Do u relate to India or China more
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : I am a proud Indian

Lama Tashiwangsu : Even after getting grammy nomination as an indian, how do u feel being asked questions on your identity? Isn't it awkward?
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : I don't blame as our country is large and multi-ethnics in nature. Hope things will change from now on

sameerjoshi : hey man first of all who are you?
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : I am a simple Buddhist monk from Arunachal

Anandkumar : You said we will be surprised to see your place as it resembles the 18th century. I think that is very bad development from India's point of view. Are you planning to do something about it?
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : I hoe things will change from this Grammy nomination as medias are drawing attention towards that region

hotyi : lamaji do these chants have a specific meaning in buddhism
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Yes, its chanted all over Himalayan Buddhist society like Tibet [Images], Mongolia, Norther Nepal, Bhutan and Indian Himalayan region (Ladakh to Arunachal)And each one has literal and spiritual meanings

shyam : Everything to get Recognise Requires the LOT of DEDICATIOn, CONCENTRATION. I also want to achieve something INCREDILE in my LIFE ....Give some point How Could I increase my CONCENTRATIOn on my GOALS and ACHIEVE them with comfort. Thanks & NAMASKAR in ADVANCE
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : There is no short cut to success and you seems to know it very well keep it up. You will surely achieve the goal sooner or later.

Anandkumar : What does the title lama means? Is it something like Brahmachari in Hinduism?
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Yes, but more like Sanyasi

Anandkumar : What is that you want to do now after being known to so much of people? Please answer as a monk and as a citizen of India
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : As monk I will work more for the peace and as Indian I will do whatever I can as good citizen.

kanchi : Has being a monk contributed in some way to your music
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Yes, My music is completely vocal and mostly used in Monastery

moh : Singing in multiple tones..does it have a meditative effect. If I were to do it...will it take me to a meditative state?
Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Yes particularly the deep voice. In meditational advice it says focus to lower part of body like at navel Chakra and this chant will really bring your mind to calmness state.

Geshe Ngawang Tashi Bapu : Thank you very much for asking questions I hope to meet you through this chat again till then Tashi Delek which means May the prosperity and Happiness be with you.

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