A R Rahman among top Asian pay earners in UK
Sunday Times lists the composer's yearly income at 2 million pounds
Indian music director and composer A R Rahman is among the top ten Asians who figure in this year's Sunday Times Pay List of the United Kingdom, with an annual income of £2 million.
Famous for his scores in south Indian and Bollywood movies, the 36-year-old hit the international circuit after Andrew Lloyd Webber chose him for his latest musical Bombay Dreams, which has become a hit.
Rahman, who has scored for 60 films and sold over 100 million albums, is now paid £1 million pounds per movie.
A graduate of Trinity College, Oxford, he qualified for the Pay List because he has lived in London for most of the last two years, the newspaper said.
The top ten Asians in the list are Gurchait Chima (£9.5 million), business; Gurnaik Chima (£9.5 million), business; Naguib Kheraj (£5 million), finance; Manish Chande (£4.11 million) business; Raj Kumar (£4 million), business; Rana Talwar (£3.2 million), benefits; Tom Singh (£2.87 million), business, Ranjit Boparan (£2.76 million), business; Baljinder Boparan (£2.5 million), business and A R Rahman.