HOME | MOVIES The demise of thespian Ashok Kumar Monday afternoon has cast its shadow of gloom over the Hindi film industry in Mumbai. As word spread of Dadamoni's passing away, film personalities expressed their loss of their much loved grand old man of cinema. Shashi Kapoor recalled the times he spent in the actor's spirited company: "He never had a bad word to say about anyone." Nalini Jaywant, one of his many costars (whom he also had an affair with), was too unwell to attend the funeral. "I have lost a friend, mentor and guide," was her only comment. Aamir Khan and Dimple Kapadia (who costarred with Ashok Kumar in Bobby) both said they were unaware of his death until they caught the news on television Monday night. Some more reactions from promiment film personalities: |
Dilip Kumar Veteran actor Dilip Kumar who turns 80 December 11 is upset because he was unable to attend the actor's funeral. "The industry has lost a doyen but I have lost a friend and mentor," he said.
Rakesh Roshan "I worked with him in Khoobsurat. He always encouraged new talent. He had a simple lovable nature which was reciprocated by everybody," said the actor-turned-director. "Everybody will remember him for his nature and marvellous performances."
Subhash Ghai Showman Subhash Ghai is also upset because he didn't have the opportunity to pay his last respects. "Although he was ill for quite some time, his death took us completely by surprise," he said.
Jaya Bachchan "We worked together in Mili. He played my father. He was a fabulous human being. He will be missed," said the actress, whose film Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham will release Friday, December 14.
Jeetendra "He was a great man. His charm will be missed. I was unable to attend his funeral because I was not informed about his demise. I heard the sad news only last evening on television. I would have definitely liked to pay my respects."
Jackie Shroff "It feels like the father of the industry is dead. Words fail me. I was unable to attend the funeral -- I was not in Mumbai when the funeral took place. If the seniors in the industry would like to construct a memorial in his name, I would lend my support most gladly.
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Latika Sidana