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All about the World Environment Day

Last updated on: June 3, 2010 17:10 IST

Image: Nature in full bloom.

'We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.'

The World Environment Day is the biggest global celebration for positive environmental action, coordinated by United Nations Environment Programme every year on June 5.

It is a day that reminds everyone on the planet to get involved in environment-friendly activities. From school children to community groups, companies and governments, all come together to pledge towards building a greener planet.

It is a wake up call to citizens across the world, to spare a while to think about the planet earth, create awareness on environmental hazards and work towards making the planet a safer and better place to live in.




All about the World Environment Day

Image: Everyday is another chance to make the planet cleaner.

The day urges every citizen to mitigate environmental problems, which are a result of human activities.

From pollution, depletion of water, air and soil erosion, water salinity and pollution, desertification, forest depletion, coastal degradation, there are major problems plaguing nations across the world.

This year's theme is 'Many Species. One Planet. One Future,' focuses on the importance of wealth of species and ecosystems to humanity.


All about the World Environment Day

Image: The planet's future is in your hands.

This year's global host, Rwanda has made huge strides on environmental protection - will lead the celebrations.

Rwanda is already internationally-renowned for introducing a ban on plastic bags, nationwide environmental clean-up campaigns and the restoration of previously degraded natural rain forests as part of a chimpanzee conservation programme. 

Philips will also participate in the project by donating solar home systems that will light 300 houses in Rwanda.


All about the World Environment Day

Image: A message on man's greed.
The World Environment Day is celebrated by conducting street rallies, bicycle rallies, green concerts, essay and poster competitions in schools, tree planting, recycling efforts and clean-up campaigns.

Activities and events will be organized across the world about to create more awareness about the environment and how to protect it. The United Nations Conference on Human Environment began on 5th June 1972.


All about the World Environment Day

Image: We must unite to protect our natural resources.

Every year the World Environment Day is hosted in a different city with a different theme with the message to protect and save our environment.

In 2008, the event was hosted at Wellinton, New Zealand with the theme 'Kick The Habit - Towards A Low Carbon Economy'.

In 2009, the event was held at Mexico City 'Your Planet Needs You - UNite to Combat Climate Change'.