Whirlpool of India on Tuesday said it was eyeing 400,000 appliances sale this festival season, backed by an innovative promotion scheme but would not offer any price discounts for purchases made during this period.
It also announced the launch of a new fully automatic washing machine with stain removing function besides two microwave oven models, one of which works on fuzzy logic.
"We think this season will bring good volume growth. Whirlpool has targeted 400,000 appliances sale this festival season...we have devised an innovative promotional scheme but no price discounts will be made," Benoy Roychowdhury, vice-president, sales, Whirlpool told PTI in New Delhi.
He said the company has partnered with five well-known brands Scavolini (modular kitchens), Nokia (mobile phones), SOTC (travel), Parker and NIIT for the upcoming boom period.
"Whirlpool has entered a strategic tie-up with these brands to launch a unique marketing scheme for its consumers. While customers get products from these brands on a scratch card scheme, we have promised to carry their brand names with all our communication," he said, adding there will also be assured gifts on every purchase.
Besides, the company is making special offers in `Whirlpool celebration rewards book', which has discount coupons from different well-known brands.