A total of 29 Axis Bank accounts, including 12 operated by Mumbai policemen, have been hacked in the last two months and Rs 13 lakh (Rs 1.3 million) withdrawn through ATMs in Greece, police said in Mumbai on Friday.
Some of the policemen in the city had received SMS messages that cash has been withdrawn from their Axis bank accounts in euro currency, they said.
In order to cross check the fraud perpetrated on them, these policemen immediately visited nearest ATM centres and found to their surprise that indeed cash had been withdrawn
The accounts were hacked during April and May, police said, adding that the Axis Bank had contacted Mumbai police and informed that they had set up a committee to probe the matter.
According to DCP Satyanarayan Choudhari, it was not immediately known as to how much amount had been withdrawn from the bank accounts of those policemen.
However, later, police got information that the cyber fraudsters had withdrawn Rs 13 lakh from these 29 bank accounts which had been hacked.
Police claimed that the debit cards have been cloned and the withdrawal done in Greece, adding that an FIR will be lodged soon in this connection.