Philips Electronics India Limited on Thursday announced the test launch of what it claimed is the country's first digital satellite television for 'cable dry' semi-urban and rural areas.
The 15-inch television displays 640x480 pixel resolution which was more than twice the resolution seen in normal analog TVs for the same DTH content, the company said.
The product has a Set Top Box integrated inside a 15 inch CRT monitor display wherein the digital satellite signal from the STB to CRT monitor is in high quality VGA format, Philips said in a statement released at a news conference of Royal Philips Electronics chief technology officer Rick Harwig.
It also has external multi-media speakers, with high sound output resulting in a convergence product, television, PC and radio, the statement said. The Philips Digital Satellite Vardaan TV, when plugged into the CPU of a computer, functions as a PC monitor.
It comes with a high quality dish antenna and LNB for excellent reception of satellite signals anywhere in the country.
Philips Innovation Campus in Bangalore developed the first prototypes of the product which had been successfully test marketed in cable dry areas of West Bengal and Tamil Nadu, it said.
The television would be introduced at a 'very affordable' price and be available at all consumer electronics retail outlets across the country and through the corporate marketing channel of the Consumer Electronics Division of Philips, it said.
The product was being introduced in response to the 'immense' popularity of digital broadcasting DTH signals from Prasar Bharti among consumers, it added.
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