India's first 24 hour health channel - Health Care, will begin test transmission from September 1. The channel, part of the Care TV network, will be available free-to-air across the country.
Ajit Gupta, managing director, Care TV, said, "Indian television industry has witnessed a boom in the last few years with the launch of many new channels, most of them catering to the entertainment genre.
Existing slots on news and entertainment channels offer limited exposure to health-related products and services vying for attention of TV viewers." The channel is promoted by Tanu Health Care, which specialises in trading of pharmaceutical products and analytical laboratories services.
Health and fitness are the thrust areas of the channel, which will also include programmes to increase awareness on hygiene. A team of medical professionals have contributed to the research for over 500 hours of programming.
According to Gupta, distribution arrangements with service providers have already been made in major cities across the country.
"We are investing Rs 5 crore (Rs 50 million) in the initial phase. The planned investment is around Rs 15 crore (Rs 150 million), which will be funded through internal accruals, advertising revenue generated from direct advertising as well as specific shows built around products and services and also an IPO," added Gupta.