Titli asked, Anyone of you getting any answer from Mr Sam Pitroda? I think Rediff is making us fool!!
SAM PITRODA answers, Yes, I am here. Sorry for the delay. No one is taking you for a ride because I was stuck in a traffic jam.
Sumanta Goswami asked, Dear Sir, receive my regards.What is role of National Knowledge Commission in India? Do you have plan for Orissa? What do you expect from younger generation? Regards, Sumanta.
SAM PITRODA answers, Knowledge commission was established by the Prime Minister to help build excellence in education, science and technology and various other institutions and infrastructures to meet challenges of the 21 century.We have plans which relate to every state and not specific to Orissa. Mainly because education is a state subject, our recommendations ultimately need to be implimented by the states. We expect younger generation to create demand for change in age old pratices and processes to expedite the process of modernization and wealth creation for all in India.
pune1 asked, How do you feel to see the success of the telecom revolution whose seeds you sowed more than a decade ago?
SAM PITRODA answers, Telecom growth with over six million new phones per month in India makes me feel proud of our successes and ability to connect Indians and India to the world. Telecom has given us confidence and connectivity to now go beyond IT to other areas of the future.
Varishthananda asked, Dear Sam, We have developed very high quality multimedia health education products in Hindi on very relevant topics for WHO and EC projects. We want huge resources to disseminate them throughout non-Southern India through network of honest NGOs can you help get the necessary resources. Ours organization Ramakrishna Mission Home of Service is well known.
SAM PITRODA answers, I suggest you contact the ministry of health and a few private sector companies in the health business to explore joint venture opportunities.
Bhaskar asked, Hello Mr. Sam.. we consider the telecom revolution in India is due to your efforts and sir what do you consider the further requirements to imporve the telecom industry in India?
SAM PITRODA answers, I thank you for the compliment but would like to mention that the credit goes to many others who worked with me tirelessly at C.Dot. Department of Telecom and various other private companies. Telecom now needs to go beyond urban to rural areas with relevant applications for agriculture, health, education etc.
pune1 asked, Why has 3 G not caught on the world as it was touted to? What is the future of 3G in India?
SAM PITRODA answers, 3G requires applications of interest to consumers for which they would pay. Just taking pictures, music and multimedia is not good enough to attract large user base. I personally feel transaction applications are critical for developing 3G.
techdreams1 asked, structured, planned, quality & Free elearning is possible through broadband?
SAM PITRODA answers, Yes. With open courseware from institutions like MIT and other prominent universities it is now possible to learn anywhere any time through internet. Traditional role of the teacher for content creation and delivery will now be changed to a mentor with content and delivery from the web.
Pradip_saha asked, Sir, I am a PG student(M Tech) of IIT Kharagpur. I woud like to go for Phd in future and join academics. But finding less motivating due to very poor compensation structure for academicians. None of our friends want to consider academics as a career option. considering this , What do u think about the future of India in higher education and R&D?
SAM PITRODA answers, This is of great concern to the Knowledge Commission. We need more Phd students and more students in maths and sciences. We have to make this financially rewarding and attractive.
dipnakar asked, Recently we are getting a news that China is building a huge dam to divert some rivers in Bhutan & Tibet to their mainland and which may cause a severe water shortage in Bramhaputr river. So what precaution we can take from dying of Bramhaputra. Sir your vies please Dipankar from Kolkata
SAM PITRODA answers, I really do not have strong views
bhushandhanesha asked, sir, How is the future of BSNL in india?? is it that as BSNL is govt. org. so govt. s responsibility to proctect it. Now a days govt. s policy is like that BSNL is not provide to service effactively as private opators and due to correption the BSNL is using some infirior quality switches/CDMA phones etc... So can govt. do something to protect bsnl and make it always as No. 1 company always???
SAM PITRODA answers, Future of BSNL depends on the competitive nature of the business and the BSNL management and the autonomy they get from the government.
Nidhi asked, Dear Sir,Plz accept my regards!I m currently working with a Telecom giant in UAE,how do u think is the Indian Telecom Industry different from the rest of the world ?Thank You !
SAM PITRODA answers, Telecom industry in India is the fastest growing in the world. Two major Indian operators control significant broadband fiber infrastructure globally Tata and Reliance. Today India has 150 million phones and we expect this to go to 500 million soon. No other country in the world has this kind of growth potential.
omegatron asked, Sir,though india is a IT superpower, how will India compete China in the manufacturing sector, considering our high power and resource costs?
SAM PITRODA answers, India is building manufacturing capacity in pharamaceuticals, auto and many other sectors. I am confident that in near future India would have substantial manufacturing capabilities.
am asked, What is the status of communication revolution promised by you...
SAM PITRODA answers, We have done well in building telephone capacity in the last decade.
SAM PITRODA answers, It is a personal choice mainly because my family brothers and sisters, children and friends who are dearer to me live where I live. I hope the telephone works in Saurashtra.
manish asked, Hi Sam, when are the video conferencing over mobile will be starting i India
SAM PITRODA answers, It depends on the business model and the market needs. We hope by 2010 or before this would be available.
rao asked, Good Evening sir, My name is K.S.Rao working as software Engineer for anasu Technologies, India, whose parental company at Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania. Sir can i get any Information regarding Frequency management
SAM PITRODA answers, Please contact department of telecom and wireless advisor.
An IITian asked, Despite the knowledge commission's (of which you are the head) suggestions, the government went ahead with its plans of 50 pc reserved seats in IITs and IIMs... what is your take on this issue?
SAM PITRODA answers, It is government's privilege to make policy decisions and laws accordingly. We made our recommendations. I appreciate and honour government's decision.
Pankaj asked, Sir , Indian telecom majors in recent past have floated world largest telecom tenders.Do u really see Indian telecom can sustain current growth?
SAM PITRODA answers, Yes.
paresh asked, which is ur birth place
SAM PITRODA answers, Titilagarh in Orissa.
surya murthy asked, Does your knowledge commission lays emphasis on Sanskrit, the ancient Indian language whose grammer is the mother of several Indian languages and now research are on to find a link between it and the computer programming?
SAM PITRODA answers, No, we haven't had an opportunity to look at Sanskrit.
mfdmohit asked, Does "Knowledge Commision" doing anyting in revising the syllabus at higher secondary, undergraduate and graduate level. There is great need to make education more practical.
SAM PITRODA answers, Yes.
SAM PITRODA says, I am overwhelmed with the love,affection, interest and the number of questions. I wish I could spend more time with you to answer each and every question posted on the web. But I am afraid I need to go for an interview with NDTV and Outlook magazine. I wish we could come together in a big hall for half a day to have live dynamic interactions. Until then goodbye.