Want to show your love for the environment in the virtual world? World Wide Fund for Nature-international has initiated the process for creation of a 'green' domain name on the Internet.
On its behalf, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), responsible for creating domain endings like .com or .org, is in the process of developing a whole bunch of new endings, including .eco, a statement from the WWF said.
Every email and website created that ends in .eco will send a powerful signal that its owner is in some way "environmentally-friendly", "sustainable" or simply "green," said the statement.
The idea is to use the power of the web for the good of the planet and its people. That's why WWF and a group of other NGOs, individuals and organisations are working out a way to manage the .eco domain responsibly on behalf of all those striving towards a more sustainable world, it said.
"It is critical that the rules for operating .eco - including who can buy names, how proceeds are used, what it stands for, and how trust is maintained - are transparent, accountable, community based and designed for the long-term benefit of people and the environment," the statement adds.