Wipro said on Thursday that Dow Jones Sustainability Index has chosen the Indian outsourcing major as its member.
DJSI is an international indicator, which tracks the financial performance of companies having outstanding sustainability conduct.
The selection was done on the basis of an exhaustive, rigorous evaluation of Wipro's sustainability performance on several dimensions like ecological sustainability, supplier standards, digital inclusion, corporate governance, innovation in sustainability, Wipro said.
"At Wipro, sustainability is an integral part of our strategy and organisation ethic.
"Our inclusion in the DJSI
More than two years ago, Wipro adopted the Global Reporting Initiative framework for reporting on all the three aspects of sustainability -- ecological, social and economic.
The Global DJSI for 2010 comprises 318 companies from around the world.
The DJSI currently comprises a set of global benchmarks, which include the best-in-class companies across the world.