Personal computer sales in India is expected to grow 35 per cent in FY12, more than double the growth reported in the previous fiscal, according to a the annual review by hardware association, Manufacturers' Association for Information Technology.
The Industrial performance review for 2010-11 said increasing mobility among consumers is driving the sales of personal computers -- desktops, notebooks and netbooks -- to cross 12.6 million units in the ongoing fiscal.
According to the review, in 2010-2011, PC sales grew by 16 per cent to 9.31 million units in India despite the inflationary pressures.
The sales of desktops stood at 6.03 million units in FY '11, translating into a growth of 9 per cent year-on-year, while notebooks and netbooks recorded combined sales of 3.28 million, a 31 per cent increase vis-a-vis the previous fiscal.
"The overall IT hardware Industry scenario is good and stable as it witnessed growth across all the products," said MAIT president Sandeep Nair.
"The year 2010-11 has indeed been a great year for the Indian IT hardware market as the sales have really picked up across all product segments."