Flipkart on Monday launched its ‘Same Day Guarantee Delivery’ in 10 cities. Customers can place their orders by 12 noon on a business day to have their orders delivered to them by 9 pm on the same day, Flipkart said.
The service is available in Bengaluru, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Noida, Gurgaon, Faridabad, Manesar, Navi Mumbai and Thane and will be scaled up to other cities soon, it said.
Flipkart’s Same Day Guarantee Delivery service is available for additional shipping fees of Rs. 200 with an introductory shipping fee of Rs 140, it said.
US-based Amazon and homegrown online marketplace Snapdeal already offer this service in the Indian market.
"With this, Flipkart becomes the only e-commerce player to offer this service at scale in India. Customers can place their orders by 12 noon on a business day to have their orders delivered to them by 9 pm on the same day," Flipkart said in a statement.
"Innovation is part of the Flipkart DNA and over the past six years we have been constantly adding and refining technology that enhances and improves the online experiences for all our customers," Flipkart co-founder