The revenue generated under the Tatkal scheme for reservation of railway tickets has shown a steady increase, with the government earning Rs 847 crore (Rs 8.47 billion) in 2011-12, an increase of Rs 118 crore (Rs 1.18 billion) over the previous year.
In a written reply to a question on 'Revenue Generated under Tatkal Scheme', Minister of State for Railways Bharatsinh Solanki told Rajya Sabha on Friday that 'The revenue generated by Railways under Tatkal scheme during 2009-10 was Rs 672 crore (Rs 6.72 billion).
During 2010-11 it was Rs 729 crore (Rs 7.29 billion) and in 2011-12 it was Rs 847 crore (Rs 8.47 billion)."
He denied that the government is contemplating an increase
On complaints received by the Ministry against the Tatkal scheme, he said, "The issue regarding non-availability of access to Tatkal tickets through Internet during opening hours was reported in one newspaper."
The minister added that several steps have been taken by the department to improve availability of tickets such as restricting agents from booking Tatkal tickets between 0800 hours and 1000 hours.
Solanki said that steps such as proof of identity, increasing bandwidth and installation of high capacity database servers etc. have been taken by Railways and Indian Railway Catering and Tourism Corporation to improve availability of e-tickets including Tatkal tickets particularly during opening hours of reservation.