Market regulator Sebi has disposed of proceedings against wind turbine maker Suzlon Energy, its chairman Tulsi Tanti and four other executives after they together paid Rs 12 lakh (Rs 1.2 million) to settle charges related to alleged delay in amending insider trading norms.
Besides Tulsi R Tanti - founder chairman of Suzlon Energy - others who have entered into a consent order with Sebi are Girish R Tanti, V Raghuraman, Ashish Dhawan and Hemal A Kanuga.
Girish Tanti and Raghuraman are currently on the board of Suzlon.
According to Sebi, Ashish Dhawan was a director with the company while Kanuga was a compliance officer.
All the six entities, including Suzlon, paid Rs 200,000 each to settle the charges with Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi).
In six similarly-worded orders issued yesterday, Sebi said that it is disposing of "the aforesaid adjudication proceedings," against the six entities.
As per norms regarding insider trading, all listed firms were required to frame a code of internal procedures, among others. This regulation was notified by Sebi in 2008.
However, the regulator alleged that Suzlon had amended its code of internal procedures and conduct for prevention of insider trading on February 4, 2011,