High performance computing company Silicon Graphics Inc on Friday said it will look at setting up a development centre in India and double its market share to 20 per cent.
"At present, we have development centres in the United States and Australia. We cannot be everywhere. As time comes, it will happen (a development centre in India). In future we could set up a research and development centre in India," Silicon Graphics Chairman and CEO Robert Bishop told newspersons in New Delhi.
The company is using expertise gained in working with ONGC in other countries.
It has a 10 per cent share of $350-400 million of scientific computing market in India. "We will double our share over the next five years," he said.
To grow its market share, the company is planning to increase the number of channel partners and working with its five tier-one partners to increase the number of tier-two partners.
"So far our focus has been on larger cities but now we will move to smaller ones," Prasad V Medury, Managing Director of Silicon Graphics, India, said.
The company has outsourced some of its commercial functions to two of the biggest Indian IT companies. "We outsource on a case to case basis," Bishop said when asked if the company's engagement with India companies will grow.
On new investments that Silicon Graphics may make in India, he said: "Our new investments would be dictated by the growth in business."