Sony Entertainment Television is launching Indian Idol-2 this month. While the total investment according to industry estimates stands between Rs 20 and Rs 22 crore (Rs 200-220 million), Sony is expected to rake in a total of Rs 50 crore (Rs 500 million) with the second leg of the show.]
If industry estimates are to be believed, Sony has signed six associate sponsors for Rs 21 crore (Rs 210 million). That apart, the channel should be able to garner another Rs 29 crore (Rs 290 million) from spot sales. (Ten seconders estimated sale being Rs 150,000 250,000 over 41 episodes.) Spot buys are being charged at 25 per cent from the rates that the associate sponsors are being charged.
Refusing to divulge any details, Rohit Gupta, EVP ad sales and revenue management head, SET stated, "Six associate sponsors were roped in two months in advance, and 75 per cent of the spot inventory has already been sold out. The balance inventory will be sold during the final gala at a very high premium."
Of the six associate sponsors -- Airtel, Asian Paints, Nokia, Marico, Maruti and Pepsi; only Maruti and Asian Paints are new entrants. Whereas, all the other four were associate sponsors for Indian Idol last year as well.
Sony should be able to bag a surplus of about Rs 28 crore (Rs 280 million) from Indian Idol 2 just through ad sales.
Sony has not signed on an exclusive SMS partner and voting will take place via Sony's shortcode.
The revenue will be shared between the cellular service provider, Fremantle media -- the format owners and SET.