Sebi, in an order issued on Monday, said it was banning Ketan Parekh and associates for a total of 14 years, effective from December 12, 2003.
Sebi conducted investigations into the dealings of scrips of Himachal Futuristic Communications, Zee Telefilms, Adani Exports, Global Tele-Systems, Ranbaxy Laboratories, Shri Adhikari Brothers Television Network, Shonkh Technologies International, Padmini Technologies and Aftek Infosys during the period October 1999 to March 2001.
Ketan V. Parekh was found to be the master mind behind all the acts of omission or commissions by these entities, the Sebi order said.
The ten associates Kartik K. Parekh, Classic Credit, Panther Fincap and Management Services, Luminant Investment, Chitrakut Computers, Saimangal Investrade, Classic Infin, Panther Investrade , Goldfish Computers Pvt, and Nakashtra Software have also been barred from accessing the securities market directly or indirectly, for a period of 14 years, the Sebi order said.