The offer will run in West Bengal. Ravinder Zutshi, deputy managing director of Samsung India, said the company was seeking to incentivise customers to experience the game on Samsung flat TVs through special offers.
The Samsung offer would be valid between May 19 and July 10, 2006 , entitles customers to gift sets of copper based utensils and caller ID phones on purchase of every 38cm, 54cm and 74cm flat TVs.
All buyers would get a scratch card making them eligible for prizes like LCD TVs, home theatre systems and DVD players.
Zutshi said the company was targeting over 50 per cent growth in CTV sales in the May-June period over corresponding period sales in the previous year in West Bengal.
Additionally, on a national level, the company was planning just ahead of the soccer event, the launch of as many as five models, including three in 21" and two in 29" screen size segment.