According to him, the exemption is available under the Sebi takeover code in case of an indirect acquisition. Ruia acquired a controlling stake in Dunlop and Falcon by virtue of his acquisition of DIL Rim & Wheels, a Mauritius-based investment firm of the Jumbo group. DIL Rim & Wheels held 74 per cent and 68 per cent in Dunlop and Falcon,
Ruia added that he would seek shareholders' permission within 40 days of the acquisition through postal ballots, well before 90 days, a timeframe stipulated by Sebi.
Considering his holding in the two companies, he needs support from only 7 per cent shareholders in Falcon and 2 per cent in Dunlop.
A special resolution needs the approval of three-fourths of shareholders. He also said he had kept market regulator Sebi informed of his plan to seek shareholders' permission.