Anil Ambani on Wednesday took over as the chairman of all the four new companies, which were handed over to him by the Mukesh Ambani Group on Tuesday as part of the settlement between the two brothers.
The decision was taken at the respective board meetings of the four companies on Wednesday, company officials said.
The four companies that have been transferred to the ADA Group are Reliance Natural Resources Ltd, Reliance Energy Ventures Ltd, Reliance Capital Ventures Ltd and Reliance Communication Ventures Ltd (RCoVL).
All the four companies would be listed on stock exchanges shortly, with RCoVL expected to be the last one by March-end. Listing documents for REVL, RCVL and RNRL have already been filed with stock exchanges.
Besides Anil, his key lieutenant Gautam Doshi along with J Ramachandran and S P Talwar are on Board of RCoVL, which would be the holding company for Reliance Infocomm.
Directors in the board of Reliance Natural Resources include S L Rao, Bakul Dholakia, J P Chalsani and J L Bajaj.
Reliance Energy Ventures has Satish Sheth, V R Galkar and S L Rao as its Board members, while Amitabh Jhunjhunwala, Rajendra P Chitale and S P Talwar constitute the board of Reliance Capital Ventures.