A day after asking the Centre to review Anil Ambani Group's Special Economic Zone in Noida, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati on Friday said all major decisions of the previous Mulayam Singh government, including Reliance Energy's Dadri power project, would be reviewed.
"We will look at all the decisions of the previous government and action will be taken if they are found violating the rules or are against public interest," she said at a press conference in New Delhi.
She was replying to a query as to whether REL's power project at Dadri, which also has SEZ status, will be reviewed. She, however, said no review would be politically motivated.
Mayawati said Thursday's state cabinet decision was "not influenced by any political consideration."
"The (Noida) SEZ was reviewed by a committee which found that rules have been broken. We will be sending a report to the Centre soon," she said.
While Dadri power project has received in-principle from the Board of Approval in the commerce ministry, the Noida multi-product SEZ is at an application stage.
Mayawati said in her meeting with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Saturday she would take up important projects like Greater Noida Airport, Taj Expressway and Gautam Buddha University.