The total income also rose to Rs 22,948.45 crore (Rs 229.48 billion) during the latest financial year from Rs 19,067.76 crore (Rs 190.67 billion) in the same period ended March 2008, Reliance Communications said in a filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE).
On standalone basis the telecom major has posted a net profit of Rs 4,802.65 crore (Rs 48.02 billion) during FY'09, up 85.68 per cent compared to 2,586.44 crore (Rs 25.86 billion) of the last fiscal.
The total income rose to Rs 13,694.67 crore (Rs 136.94 billion) for the year ended March, against Rs 13,426.65 crore (Rs 134.26 billion) of the same period previous year.
The shares of Reliance Communications were trading at Rs 256 on the BSE, up 0.49 per cent from previous close.