Power Minister Sushilkumar Shinde, who left for Tokyo on Tuesday, is leading the nine-day campaign organised in association with its industry interface partner Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry.
"It is the intention of ministry of power in conjunction with Ficci to target leading investment firms, investors, technology providers especially in clean coal technologies, extra high voltage transmission, distribution technologies and and encourage them to come to India," according to the note prepared by the ministry on the visit.
The three-nation tour of the ministry comes barely two months after the visit to the US, Canada, European countries, including the UK and Germany, China and Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand and Phillippines to attract investors, especially in the ambitious Ultra Mega Power projects of 4,000
The ministry feels that India's power sector was at a take-off stage and ready for large investments and latest technology absorption in various segments.
Besides Shinde, the team includes Power Secretary R V Shahi, PFC Chairman V K Garg and representatives of FICCI.
FICCI would assist in providing promotion materials. It would also use its foreign offices to coordinate with respective Indian embassies and high commissions.
In Japan, Shinde is likely to meet officials of funding agencies, Japan Bank of International Cooperation and Mitsui Sumitomo Financial Group, besides corporate giants like Itochu Corporation, Marubeni Corp and Sumitomo Corp.
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