This article was first published 20 years ago

PMO's policy thrust areas for ministries


February 10, 2005 13:11 IST

In consultation with various ministries of the Union Government and based on the commitments made in the National Common Minimum Programme, the Prime Minister's Office has prepared a comprehensive list of "Thrust Areas" for policy implementation within the next six months.

Those applying to economic ministries are listed below:


  • Revamping agriculture research, agriculture extension and agriculture education
  • National Horticulture Mission - catalyse new initiatives with a focus on horticulture within the next six months
  • National Cotton Mission
  • Reforming agricultural markets and post-harvest technology
  • Revival of plantation crops economy
  • Genetic upgradation of cattle and buffaloes
  • Augmenting fish production
  • Catalyse new initiatives with a focus on crop yields within the next six months
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Chemical and Fertilizers

  • Follow up action on Task Force Report on Petrochemicals and finalisation of the National Policy on Petrochemicals on that basis.
  • Timely completion of the task force report on issues related to optimal regulation of pharmaceutical prices and necessary follow up action.
  • Timely completion of the proposed action regarding repeal of the Drugs Control Act 1950.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance
  • Rationalisation of fertilizer subsidies
  • Finalisation and adoption of a National Fertilizer Policy to promote balanced application of all fertilizers and organic fertilizers.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Civil Aviation

  • Formulation of new Civil Aviation Policy to comprehensively address issues related to the Civil Aviation industry
  • Ensure timely completion of activities under the proposed efforts to restructure / develop Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad Airports.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Coal & Mines

  • Obtain and implement the recommendations of the Expert Committee for revitalisation of the coal sector.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance
  • Ensure timely conception and implementation of steps aimed at attracting private investment in the Indian mining sector (both domestic and foreign), including proposed changes in the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Act 1957 and the Rules.
  • Implement the proposed actions aimed at ensuring single window clearance of mining leases and approvals from various departments
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance


  • Complete introduction of Electronic Data interchange with regard to foreign trade for online filling, data collection etc.
  • Implementation of the Report of Task Force on Project Exports.
  • Shape content of SEZ and Competitive Economic Zone Policy, including the Central SEZ Act, to enable world class infrastructure through private participation and hassle free regulatory regime in various areas including taxation, customs, labour etc., in SEZ.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Communications and Information Technology

  • Facilitating and catalysing e-governance packages in the Central and State Governments through implementation of the National E-governance Plan.
  • Conception and implementation of policies to promote growth of electronic and hardware manufacturing in India.
    Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance
  • Ensure timely completion of task related to setting up of finance marts as one stop shops for financial services for urban customers.
  • Ensure timely completion of proposed actions to have franchising arrangements to provide services in areas where post offices are not available.
  • Undertake computerization of postal activities and ensure reliable connectivity of post offices across the country so as to provide quality services comparable to international standards. Also, reorient future business development with special emphasis on services like speed post, express parcels, e-post, e-billing, payments and presentment (EBPP), e-commerce.
  • Take necessary action for replacing/amending the Indian Post Office Act 1898 to take care of the needs of competition, convergence and other new developments.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance
  • Take time-bound steps to achieve the objectives of a rural teledensity of 3, VPTs in all un-covered villages and provision of additional Rural Community Phones (RCPs) in all villages with population over 2000 by 2007.
  • Develop and implement a policy to promote manufacture of Telecom Equipment in India.

    Take necessary action for comprehensive review of the spectrum allocation policy with a view to ensuring optimum utilisation. (In coordination with MHA and MOD, who are the biggest consumers of the spectrum)
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Company Affairs

  • Revising the Company's Act taking into account the recommendations of Govindarajan Committee
  • Providing a new constitutional frame comprising of National Company Law Board, National Company Law Appellate
  • Tribunal and Competition Commission of India
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution
  • Revamping delivery of PDS with a view to improving delivery
  • Improving functioning of FCI
  • Effecting amendments in EC Act, rules and notifications relating to decontrol
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance


  • Streamlining procurement process so as to expedite acquisitions while improving transparency and accountability.
  • Preparing a consolidated defence procurement manual by Defence Finance that may serve as a uniform manual for all wings of MOD / Service Headquarters / Inter-Services Organisations
  • Issues relating to resettlement and welfare of ex-servicemen including improved monitoring of grievances.
  • Improved and speedy application of procedures for next of kin benefits.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance


  • Prepare White Paper on Disinvestment.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance
  • Finalising and implementing the Task Force Report on review of the General Financial Rules 1963 with a view to promoting efficiency and transparency in Government financial systems and procedures.
  • Implementation, through the established working groups, of the report of the Task Force on revision of procurement norms to ensure greater transparency, competition, fairness and elimination of discretion in procurement of goods by Government.
  • Budget for 2005-06 - have detailed interaction on revenues, plan support, new programmes and policies
    Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance
  • Implementation of Action Plan to facilitate financial flows to the unorganised sector.
  • Prepare action plan and undertake necessary follow-up for time bound implementation of proposed actions to
    strengthen the rural credit system.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance
  • Strengthen and facilitate professional functioning of regulatory institutions to ensure free and fair competition. To achieve this objective, develop an underlying approach on optimal regulatory arrangements, with necessary sectoral variants, to provide the basic framework for creating regulatory arrangements across various sectors.
  • Formulate a National Policy on subsidies, which would identify target groups, goods & services, subsidy norms, and an exit strategy for existing subsidies which are inconsistent with the policy.
  • Review existing provisions relating to FDI and develop a comprehensive policy governing FDI in various sectors, keeping in view investment / developmental needs, strategic concerns and other relevant factors.
  • Take follow up action on NRI report on FDI within a timeframe of next six months
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance
  • Time bound implementation of the Action Plan for the Financial Sector.
  • Ensure timely implementation of the State level VAT.
  • Undertake necessary actions for implementation of the proposed system for services taxation in the country that is acceptable to the Centre and the State.
  • Comprehensive computerization of Income Tax System to benefits income tax payers and improve tax administration.
  • Complete introduction of Electronic Data interchange with regard to foreign trade for online filling, data collection etc.
  • Comprehensive Revision of Customs and Central Excise Code etc. to be accomplished to ensure transparency, overcome absence of direction, elimination of unnecessary stages and mandatory time lines.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Food Processing

  • Developing an integrated strategy for promotion of agri-business
  • Putting in place an integrated food law.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance Heavy Industry & Public Enterprises
  • Ensure that profit making PSUs operating in a competitive environment are given full managerial and commercial autonomy.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Information & Broadcasting

  • Increasing outreach in J&K and the North East
  • Formulating a new policy for FM radio to promote greater investment
  • Formulating a new policy for DTH to promote greater investment
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Labour & Employment

  • Reform Labour Laws
  • Provide social security mechanisms for the unorganized sector
  • Reforming recognising / accrediting agencies for education / training institutions
    Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance
  • Panchayati Raj
  • Progress in devolution
  • Strengthening district Panchayat capacity for planning and implementation
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance Petroleum & Natural Gas
  • Identify and implement steps in a comprehensive manner to improve energy security, to inter-alia address issues related to a strategic petroleum reserve and having an optimal sourcing policy for hydrocarbon security.
  • Ensure timely completion of ongoing activities aimed at setting up a transparent regulatory mechanism, creating a competitive petroleum and natural gas sector and finalising policies with regard to pipeline construction etc.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance


  • Ensure timely completion of activities related to framing of rules and policies under the Electricity Act 2003.
    Complete actions related to the review of the Electricity Act 2003 in a timely manner.
  • Finalise the policy on rural electrification and secure approval of the Cabinet within the next six months
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance


  • Modernisation of Railways with special emphasis on computerization of freight traffic, improved signalling and railway tracks.
  • Develop a policy framework to categorise backlog / future Railway projects for implementation through Government, MFI and PPP funding.
  • Formulate policy for outsourcing non-core railway activities.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Road Transport and Highways

  • Timely completion of the Golden Quadrilateral and North-South and East-West Corridors.

    Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Rural Development

  • Review progress of the Food for Work Programme, enact the National Employment Guarantee Act and implement the scheme to give effect to it
  • Developing rural infrastructure ('Bharat Nirman')
  • Ensuring enhanced flow of micro-credit to rural areas (including a special focus on the Self Help Groups)
  • Overhaul CAPART within six months and strengthen civil society action in rural areas
  • Launching a Peoples' Water Conservation Mission, incorporating programmes for wasteland and dry land development
  • Formulating a National Rehabilitation Policy
  • Computerizing land records and making them available on-line
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance.


  • Ensure timely formulation and approval for the National Maritime Development Policy, to inter-alia address issues related to major and minor ports (including matters relating to the major Port Trusts Amendment Bill 2001), facilitating private/foreign direct investment and transparent/autonomous regulatory arrangements for tariff setting etc.
  • Encourage gradual shift of domestic cargo from the rail and road modes to inland water transport, increasing its share from the present l level of less than 1% to at least 2%.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance Small Scale Industries and Agro & Rural Industries
  • Formulating the Small Enterprises Development Bill.
  • Promotional package for the SSI Sector for de-regulating and giving full credit, technological and marketing support.
    KVIC - committee to finalise its report soon and KVIC to be reconstituted within six months on the outside

    Finalising and launching programmes for regeneration and modernization of traditional sectors.
    Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance


  • Follow up of post-MFA scenario package
  • Implementing jute policy
  • Address the problems of weavers in a comprehensive manner on priority: action to be taken within the next six months
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance


  • Introducing Public - Private Partnerships in development, maintenance and operation of tourism infrastructure.
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance Urban Employment & Poverty Alleviation
  • Urban Renewal Mission
  • Help realise housing rights for the urban poor
  • Promoting in the urban informal sector employment
  • HUDCO - policy paper on HUDCO's future strategy to be prepared and HUDCO to be reorganized within six months
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Urban Development

  • Conservation and renewal of LBZ
  • National policy for urban transport
  • Strengthen Urban Local Bodies
  • Mumbai's urban infrastructure needs - action to be initiated on the proposals of the Government of Maharashtra within the next six months
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Water Resources

  • Pursue the agenda for Inter-linking of rivers, starting with the south- bound rivers
  • Drawing up a time Schedule for completion of on going major irrigation projects
    Implementing the accepted recommendations of the report of the task force set up to suggest measures for flood control
  • Improving water utilization efficiency
  • Appropriate regulation and management of groundwater
  • Catalyse new initiatives with a focus on irrigation within the next six months
  • Analyse steps to be taken for flood control in the north-east, including feasibility of setting up a North East Valley
  • Authority within the next six months
  • Institutional reform in terms of (i) decentralisation, (ii) simplification, (iii) transparency, (iv) accountability and (v) e-governance

Planning Commission

  • Develop standard models of public-private partnerships for different categories of public services for implementation and operation of public projects/schemes
  • Create an apex committee to develop an Integrated Energy Policy to govern demand and supply side issues and address natural resource utilization, environmental and equity concerns
  • Rationalisation of Centrally Sponsored Schemes
  • Introducing and promoting district level planning/district level budgeting through local government institutions
  • National Development Council to meet regularly and to be used as an effective instrument of cooperative federalism
  • Finalise the Annual Plan of the Centre
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