Delhi would change over to the eight-digit numbering scheme from Thursday and telephone numbers of all fixed-line customers of Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Ltd will have to be prefixed with the digit "2".
The eight-digit numbering scheme is being implemented in two phases.
The first phase of the change in the numbering scheme has already come into effect in t-trans-Yamuna area with effect from November 25 when the seven digit numbers beginning with "2" were changed to eight-digit number by prefixing "2".
In the second phase, the changes would be effected for the rest of Delhi (telephone numbers starting with digits 3/4/5/6/7).
All special services such as 100, 101, 197 and 198 would remain the same.
In case of Garuda numbers, customers would have to replace the first digit of the existing number with "20".