The Rs 80 crore (Rs 800 million) hospital, belonging to the NMC Group headed by B R Shetty, was inaugurated recently by Qasim Sultan Al Banna, chief of the department of health and medical services, Dubai.
"This is the first time state-of-the-art diagnostic facilities and super-specialist doctors have come together in the private sector," Shetty said.
Majority of the doctors in the newly-opened hospital are from India, Shetty informed. "We have the latest diagnostic tools in MRI, CT Scan and ultrasound," he said.
Pointing out the changing needs in the field of medical care, Shetty said,"for instance diabetes is posing a major threat in the country with nearly 40 per cent of the people at risk. The new hospital will be giving special attention to the disorder."
Other areas the hospital will focus on, include paediatrics, gynaecology, neurology, cardiology.